Mmmmmm that’s gonna be 10 pure cuddles and a glass of warm milk

mmmmmm that’s gonna be 10 pure cuddles and a glass of warm milk

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Imagine still posting take threads when AEWs WrestleMania is on...
Take doesn't even wrestle anymore

how come Taker bear doesn’t have his teardrop face tattoo?

God that is cute as hell.

He got it lazered off

It was paint.

Attached: Bitch pls.png (205x266, 76K)

Why you cryin' Mark?

Look at the eyeliner and coverup on his face. I wonder if he was using make up to cover the tat in between laser sessions.

He only used eyeliner, you fag. He never used a foundation.Besides, there was nothing there to cover up. Face paint comes off pretty easy.

Attached: ut8.jpg (250x375, 19K)

No I didn’t mean face paint, I meant that short lived teardrop tattoo he got on his face.

Attached: 9F0C30CA-9572-40DD-A5B3-873321B3ACCF.jpg (195x258, 9K)

It wasn't a tattoo, though. Look how different it looks in your pic vs pic related.Here it is much wider, and rounder. If you're applying paint every night, there are always going to be variations like this.It's not a tattoo.

Attached: Face paint.jpg (480x360, 11K)

oh nice I haven't seen this pic of the tat yet, thanks

It's fucking paint, you cocksucker.

What was paint? I’m talking about the teardrop face tat he got. I think you’re confused.

based and uwupilled

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mmmmmmm wouldn't wanna nap without him.

The teardrop was facepaint, you loon.

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mmmmmmm that's cute

Based Underteddy

mmmmmmmm thanks for the badass dreams kid


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Yes, paint is the program I used to add the tat to the bear's face.

No bully

And actual paint was what Undertaker used to put the temporary teardrop on his face in the 90s.

he had a temporary teardrop? was that before or after he had the tattoo version?

There was never a tattoo version.