Your fortune: Average Luck

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Boifriend is what you mean. We know. Nice and congratulations.

is she voiced by konomi kohara

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dubs wooh!

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Girlfriend (male)

you down bottom


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her face is kawaii

ok STIHL my imagás and EVEN POST mY PAY...... PAY........

ok...... clol u got an gf

*smokes a pound of synthetic weed SPICE K2 stays awake forever and gets brain damage
yerrr i DON'T!!!FU!CKING!!!CARE
[galaxy emoji]

Your fortune: Good Luck

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I dint know it was yours but I'm not surprised in the least

hi btw

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is it a human girlfriend or like a cat or raccoon?

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yeah, yeah... no.
whhhy the fuggg would you do thaaaat!!!?

Stop. clear your head kid. +smokes spice+murders fugging everyone - your life≠good

[[question emoji]]
lole at u

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

there are better pics than that bu t i deleted them nobody probably has them i they can't exist anymore they were good however itwascool

im shivering but im not cold soo GOODNIGHT is what im saying i gusas..

did u knoq autism is like a spectrum

spsctrum is A cable company too so slwep on that one dogge

Lay off the pills and sissy hypno

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bro im not going tk fcujing murder somwonw triangles put ykur name on yuo fgot

The tiny black bow is so kawaii i can't even

wrong f*cking person weirdo

why does everyone post like triangles now tf

go on b everyne is th sam threre
who tha f**ck are u
bunch of nonsense

I have read books from 100 years past

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yeah and it's 7 x:s not 6.
if u were a tru og u would know that
tsk tsk.....

first day on th job?
. _.

i can't READDDD

serious /biz K2 will f*ck your life up

Later tsod you fuggin miracle ; )




Average Luck. Don't forget it:


Is this the catfish thread for tonight?



THX 4 check bby

kekn chec


Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: Godly Luck

You know what I really fucking hate about Catfish? He's a hypocritical piece of shit who only cares about himself. He whines and bitches about other faggots and blogposters treating the board like their pissing hole but here he goes doing the same shit. Then he'll try to pass it off as being 'LOL IRONIC' even though he sits in these threads for hours, constantly posting until they hit bump limit. Complete scumbag, worse than even the most hated namefigs

catfish likes benis

shut up pyramid tard

whatever fuckwit, why don't you make like all the other circlejerking namefags and move to discord

shut the fuck up nigger i'll kick your ass bitch

lol faggot you sit in front of the computer and get high and drunk all day you must be weak as shit

yeah whatever, you probably can't even stand up straight unless you're doped up, dumb ass junkie

this lol

your cruisin for a bruisin fag

Shut the fuck up. Seriously, you're giving me a terrible headache right now. Just shut up.

i'll fuckingn suck your dick btich

Your fortune: Average Luck

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I totally have a girlfriend i'm serious you guys, i really do
Why I would still spend any time on Yea Forums if i actually had a girlfriend is certainly quite a mystery!

shut up niggers and drop those pants


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hey guys


bUT have you read books from 100 years past?


Congrats man!

Hm? Doubt it.

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you may have a girlfriend, but you shouldn't let it distract you from the fact that Mr Krabs sold spongebob's soul for 62 cents!

pls no bully

this'll end well

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Catfish I said it before and I'll say it again. You are fucking dumb, man. You are simply fucking dumb. Let's be honest here. We both know you don't have a girlfriend. Alright? You don't have one. You have a nametag when you browse [s4s], but you don't have a girlfriend. Okay?

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Have you asked yourself if you even really want a gf? As long as this is what you want I'm happy and support you, f*gget

I am senor catfeeshes boyfrend
my name is chiquita!
I like big bananas

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Kira it's time to give attention to the girlefren!

Who is Kira anyway

I don't know.
Well, it's an edgy japanese name as far as I know, but idk where catfish took this from.
Maybe his imaginary friend.

digits hehehehe

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fr*g forgod name

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I don't have imaginary friends

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7575 fren anonymous posting out there....

Who's Kira then?

new browser sorrey!

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Kira iz real

stiupid mugi she aint doing mouch of anything


please be nice....

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more mooger

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today I dreamt I had a gf

is it ripa???

Ripe A

did jaq ever post his discord i like jaq.

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Kira is an old namefig that used to post on here around 2014. Back then catfish only ever posted threads about how his freezer was broken and kira was the one that turned him onto the idea of posting other stuff, namely gay stuff. Suffice to say, kira is gone but the catfish she created is not

for some reason i was under the impression that kira was blankposter

no that's the blankposter

understandable have s great day

Good job user. Im proud of you


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