Please don't leave me.
Please don't leave me
They weren't there to begin with.
Fucking die
I love you.
new law: stop replying
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Isn't it funny how the ones we want run away and the ones we don't pursue us
I've got nowhere to go.
you deserved better
Shut up
morning hebifren
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
subeat dubs!!
We never left. We even watch you as you sleep.
two same numbers!
I'm getting messed up over someone who doesn't care even slightly about me. Why can't I get over this? Why am I so weak? Please someone help me. Please get me out of this place. Why can't I be normal? Why am I like this? Why am I so fucked up in the head? What's wrong with me.
What do you mean "always remember happy day"?? How can I remember that when I felt the happiest with people that hate me now. How is that supposed to make me feel better? fuck you.
I hate this.
hate it.
hate it.
hate it.
hate it.
Let go of it, geez.
That meme means remember the good moments, they will always be a part of you and you can create more if you are willing to put in the effort.
two same numbers!
But I know you love this.
It feels like a sin against God when people strongly latch onto great art that completely opposes their behaviour and philosophy.
There are only 10 sins against God and it's only a sin if it causes him pain and he hates false idols because
Of the Abyss
To not live the axiomatic truths and only appreciate them aesthetically is to doubt the severity of the consequences and divine quality of the knowledge. I feel sickened at the sight of this. It's a sin against yourself and all your fellow men. To flaunt it while complaining is the ultimate patheticism. I don't see how this isn't a sin against god. After all it's basically killing your fellow man.
A human can only do so much in a day; as Jesus said man cannot draw two bows or ride two horses. So if they are fixated on a piece of artwork for a long time then it becomes a substantial part of their mind, and then their soul
This becomes antithesis to a person and affects their soul when it limits the amount of time that they spend on other forms of communion, with other Souls, such as through artwork
And they end up thinking thoughts that are also antithesis to their regular. behavior and then they become unhappy and this strains their relationship with God and hurts him
But the important question is: why does he focus on something that makes him unhappy?
Maybe it's like when I see a centipede and then I keep imagining what it looked like
I am in awe. I like you so much more than I already did. Thank for the brilliant beauty you have expressed here.
You made my morning brighter.
Couldn't that be said for the world around us as well? Art is a subjective construct, and as such could be defined as anything observed.
The world itself can therefore cause a man to stray from the righteous path and draw him under.
I think it best to allow yourself to be one with it all to the extents that you are comfortable and willing to go to.
Often times this is the only way to find yourself or deeper truthes, through countless cycles and repetitions such as Jesus did wandering the desert for 40 days and nights.
Thank you for your insights imposter magick. I see myself through these words. I am living them.
Not who you responded to.
Your fortune: Average Luck
>Art is a subjective construct, and as such could be defined as anything observed.
That would be chaos
That would be the power of the human mind to abstract the world around it. We all do this.
I disagree with your syntactic reasoning when you look directly at an object you can only see half of it, for example you can only see three sides of a cube
So when you focus on a single object you're forced to imagine what the other side looks like
So it's my hypothesis that one half of the brain imagines what you are seeing, in other words reality, while the other half is imagining a fabricated image, perhaps to be called a daydream or vision by some
So my point was that if you are Imagining the entire world around you then you must also be Imagining the idea of a completed World which is actually a false idea because you don't know everything that's going on around you so your image of reality is actually the fantasy while your fabricated image is replaced by a focused Awareness on problems or stress perhaps affecting your world which you believed to be complete despite that
If you don't believe in a soul then your idea of the world is already abstract and as such any conceptualization of the world as to be further abstract is really an examination of the spirit in practice and I'm pretty sure that's how people go crazy
hebi hebi hebi hebi hebi hebi hebi hebi *explodes*
Someone once told me that the most certain way to go mad is to listen to the voice of the Wind
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
This is what distinguishes a human mind from an AI
As an AI can imagine and visualize all six sides of the cube at once because it only has one "brain" part rather than two symmetrical "mirrored" parts
Well put. I mean sincerely.
That was not my point however.
I said we abstract the world as art and derive reason from it by means of imaginative extrapolations. Not claiming we change its physical nature per se, only that we see it in the same light as any aesthetic artwork.
We often times see it how it should be or want it to be more than what it really is. Some even see it as a conglomeration of their deepest fears, rendering them helpless before it.
You are very right.
Self examination is one of the reasons we exist as we do. If your own Soul drives you insane then it is its own frailty you are witnessing.
pls stop impersonating magick
I can see all sides of a cube or sphere in my minds eye. I am not an AI.
Bad impersonation at that.
So because of the mirrored brain functions the amount of processes increases exponentially due to the formation of physical structures in thought again compared to an AI which uses software meaning that rendering all six sides of a cube would require minimal processing power compared to a human brain which would thus be imagining six sides and the idea of a fake Cube where you can't see the other side because you're remembering what it was like when you were a child and you could only see three sides of an object because all of those memories exist as Hardware
Wrong because there is no Cube
You're just imagining a bunch of squares you idiot
In reality you're imagining this conversation and you're probably predicting my reaction to what you just said
pls stop impersonating magick
And also a cube
One more thing. Artificial Intelligences use multiple processors, and can have unlimited "brains" as it were.
I certainly can see objects on all sides as I visualize them. You should be able to as well.
From the inside out and with layers too.
No. I can reference solid objects. You should be able to as well. Most children can do this. Dreaming wouldn't be possible without this innate ability.
No sorry a person can only have one brain what you're describing is referred to as a legion
How is it solid when you haven't even imagine what material it's made out of or its polarity or its density or the barometric pressure in the air or the gravity of the ground and if you have imagined the gravity than you assume that you're on Earth so then where are you see you're not imagining reality at all you're just arguing and arguing arguing you are as far away from reality as can be you are inside your computer
Got your hands on a laptop arguing with me about a cube that only exists in half of your brain
Get some help man
Now tell me how does this Cube feel ? is it happy or sad
Those things come naturally, and voiding all I imagine them to be a solid form of light weightless yet stable it the void.
See when you read this sentence which has a double meaning you may process each meaning in either lobe so you can recognize the deception instantly
When you hear a statement that you know to be false you may instantly recognize it as a lie while still considering it as truthful information by processing two functions at once in your two identical halves of your brain
Well you are insane
Dude, give me proof we only use half to visualize abstractions, and cite evidence we are limited to only imagining 2D squares.
You posted some information I could agree with earlier.
Arguing about brain functions without even knowing what a human brain looks like on the surface?
I mean you can see that it's clearly split into two symmetrical halves
Doing this makes me insane? Explain please.
Is that supposed to represent some sort of emotional attachment to your words?
I'm not your doctor dude
I don't have one.
You made the claim I was insane for being able to visualize objects. I am now asking you to define the conditions which imply insanity relating to that ability.
That's not what I said at all
See you've been arguing with me when you completely failed to understand my words
You should have reread my posts and asked me for clarification
I said that the human brain processes using symmetrical mirrored functions
I meant to say that the human brain functions using symmetrical mirrored processes
Can you please answer this question before we move on with the conversation
While it is indeed a joke it is also an important part of this interview that you answer the question so that I can give you my retroactive punchline
Just kidding that actually was the punchline haha
Here. Yes you did.
The hidden message behind this joke that I myself was only subconsciously aware of when I told it is that punching someone in the head may cause memory loss or impaired cognitive functions
the memes we own end up owning us
Dubs confirms.
Some consider this to represent chaos in its most concentrated form
Well later fake magicks. Yiu all suckle from shit nipples and smegma encrusted sweaty cocks.
Fuck each and every one of you.
Error does not compute
Define insanity
Define sanity
Define doctor
And yet you too remain among the accursed