Books himself to go over

>Books himself to go over
Tell me again how he's different from Triple H.

Attached: cody.jpg (770x433, 31K)

Triple H didnt spike the fans drinks with s󠀀oy


hes still a geek

Attached: 1567284912437.webm (1280x720, 1.05M)

He's not Triple H because he says so.

the fans like when he goes over

This. Cody is really fucking over.

This, Cody is over and books himself against shitters nobody likes.
Triple H puts himself over against fan favourites

>the fans like when he goes over
>brainwashed cultist love it when he goes over

I wouldn't put him at HHH levels of booking himself over but he sure as hell is getting there. Needs to lose his next match or 2.

because it's now known that Kahn chooses the winners

>paying fans love the top babyface
impossible for an e-cuck to understand this


>over produced entrance with special effects and pyro
>Books himself strong the whole match
>Has to lean on old timers making an appearance in his match

Wew lad

hes younger thats a given

Why would he lose so early in the promotion though

>books himself to go over
>always gets the most elaborate entrance on a major PPV
>is cucked by a dog

he's HHH only younger.

HHH is a draw so he deserves to go over
Cawdy is no one


Wasn't Triple H really over in 2009-2011?

>Tell me again how he's different from Triple H.
HHH has class and style and composure and business acumen and no distracting lithp, and while they both have wives who fell into high powered positions only one of them really has any right holding that position.