I think car horns should have an nice toot in addition to the rude toot...

i think car horns should have an nice toot in addition to the rude toot. if somebody is nice to you on the road you should be able yo friendly beep to them. thought?

Attached: 1553708060739.png (1054x776, 1.26M)

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I think we should just get rid of horns altogether. They're too loud and they never really help with anything. Even if someone was nice to you, you could just give them a thumbs up out your window or something...

u can if you honk vry briefly 2 times in a row like "du dut" its usually meant as nice gesture

Are you me? : )

I Love this idea!
Thought so too before!
A nice light sound.

I'm not you! :)

I love you user!

something like this?


im going to nicely ram my car into the side of your car at 90 mph, killing you instantly faggot

whoa trips! in MY thread, nice! that'll do

excuse me frend, but this isn't Yea Forums. i forgive you forforgetting your on [s4s] as they r both orang but try to remember next time k

what was the original image?

Beep boop

yotsuba (le4chinnel girl)

Dubs and true

dat wud b awesome sauce

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第20話「ももこの夢さがし」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 176K)

Old cars have that :3 you could add to your car a nice honk honk so everybody cheers up in the street, honk honk!

du duut
dubs coming through!! LOLE!

Attached: beary italian.png (1000x1000, 164K)

Honk honk!!

Attached: CdiE7Ero_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)


haha the oldfig in your pic is happy because he wears a tie! lole

Attached: yomo wears tie.png (314x405, 8K)

:000000 i LOVE your tie, can we trade?

i give you the tie for free lole

Attached: yomo.png (314x405, 4K)

:3333 arigatoooooo!!!!!!
Im so happy with two ties :3

Attached: 20190409_005655.jpg (400x400, 71K)

haha dubs confirm! lole!

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