Does anyone else notice that sometime in the last couple of weeks the posts jump around sometimes when you look at an...

Does anyone else notice that sometime in the last couple of weeks the posts jump around sometimes when you look at an image? Basically sometimes it scrolls back up when you close the image you were viewing, instead of staying in the same place everything was.

Found any way to stop this? (sorry I can't find anywhere else to post this)

Attached: 1554427655791.png (543x832, 634K)

use 4chin X fren

it has been like that for years

what thef uck which one is the real one

they both look better in the bottom pic so it's prob the real one

Thanks user.

Weird, it's only been doing it for me the last couple of weeks or so, I wonder if one of my blockers was stopping it.

Attached: 1554590205247.jpg (599x603, 29K)

i love her cuteness(male) >_

either you changed your screen / browser window resolution or you enabled image hover

Running at the same res, and I've never used image hover. I did try "fit expanded images to scree", but even after disabling that I still have the problem.

Attached: 1554554736085.jpg (700x495, 209K)

Naturally the one where the Asian girl has the smaller boobies and the white girl has the bigger boobies.

I only noticed your dubs

it has been happening to me but i thought it was just y*sho messing with me...
nice dubs

go back to discord and take your browser issues with you

Attached: spikeman OK YOSHO.png (412x412, 28K)

>it has been happening to me

For how long user?

Attached: 1554576781229.jpg (900x500, 44K)

idk maybe a week or two

theres chemicals in our foood

Okay then, it's not just me. Annoying, isn't it?

Attached: Ham.jpg (569x566, 83K)

What are you implying?

this is what theyre talking about
but also hes asking for a succness

Attached: My-Blowjob-Machine-Coworker.png (361x605, 453K)

Attached: yosho.png (271x274, 15K)

yosho bad dude