how to type s4s style pls help
How to type s4s style pls help
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Jusd fogret hwo 2 wirte lole
type as you would talk if you had your mouth full
it's on the esfores 101 guide book page 10 silly
dats rly simplel LOLE
replace curtain wordse wid da letter LEL
ffor examplel:
purplel is purplel
apple is applel
trouble is troublel
Just write the same as you write anywhere else.
At least that's what I do.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
nick yself figgot
dond b r*de
(chew chew chew)
eat nice food
>setting some arbitrary rules for your messages
lole u big dum r-word just psot howev you're want lole
drink bleach
Eat vegan
Consume suspicious substances until you damage your brain, also watch anime
Reemebr wrod, forgte how to tyep if.
Or type normlelly.
Instead of "fag" you say "fig"
Instead of "fuck" you say "fug"
Instead of "mario" you say "nigger"
So you want to be a sh*tposter, huh? It's not easy.
This guide will teach you "thirty second sh*tpost" technique.
The basis of "thirty second sh*tpost" is lowercase typing only. No capitalization or punctuation. It reflects the very nature of the "thirty second sh*tpost".
"What should my post contain?"
The content of the post is a reflection of your spirit. As this is the "thirty second sh*tpost" you should approach your keyboard with the intention of sh*tposting and let it flow.
At first, you might feel daunted. In this case you may look at current sh*tposting trends and draw inspiration from them.
As a beginner, you may copy a sh*tpost you have seen before and give it your own distinct touch. As you do this you will begin to get the feel and develop your own style.
As with all arts, the proper form is important. sh*tposting is not as abstract as it seems.
Emoticons are allowed. However, xD, ;_;, :3 are the marks of an amateur and are to be avoided.
Genuine typing errors should be left in, but not made on purpose. Even a non-sh*tposter can discern an intentional typo from an unintentional one, and you will lose credibility.
There is one exception. Leaving the "S" off of words that should be pluralized. Used sparingly, this can boost your sh*tposting power by 15%.
Poor grammar is acceptable. Take a moment of deliberation to see if your post could benefit from it.
Many sh*tposts stand or fall on this point alone.
"Thirty second sh*tpost" technique does not place great emphasis on image uploaded. Though an advanced technique is re-using an image to establish a truly epic sh*tpost.
Use these guidelines as a foundation. You will discover unwritten rules as you progress.
It's said that a master cannot make a sh*tpost in thirty seconds, but thirty sh*tposts in a second.
So good luck! Find your own style and perfect it!
I look forward to seeing the power of your "thirty second sh*tpost"! がんばって!
Your fortune: Bad Luck
helo frin; just use wrod that sound ok bu arent really, an also u have to be sur that you somtime make a lot of really important scientific or philosohical sense but thenne u jus kinda xD lolel an then u av to find you'reselve again ebcause you don't eben knwo how to typed naymore! XD!?
lele, do u understand?
Lole, 10.10
thats le pille and u got to take it xD
that le pille that u gote to take xD
i won resit untile u taek it xD
thats a hart that u maed
thats a hert and teh booth of u maed it xD
and i wont reste until i braeke it
its le hitory de le fame
its le history de le FAM
i wont reste unti i forgets about did xD
i wont rest untile i don care
i wont reste until i forgot aboute it
that a racer and u maed a threade
that a racer maed a milionbilion threads
and i wont reset cause i hear it all before
my behinde is a beehive xD
there a buzz in my buttsides XD
my behine is a behive
and i wont reset will u breake my will
jatame the vallee
jatame the vallee LOLE
i am le orphan de le vallee
and i wont reste untile i forgot about ite xD
i wont reset untile i don care XD
t. master >> some words
succness lood rood bajinga bepsi/benisp
happywater and/or couchpurr doge mank s4rens sxe birb bobs mouf ebil nog lob animu maybe rember but it has sad feels frm wen happy day ended, at leastd 4 m.
otter bordse newfigs only 1 fishe but s4rens gib you 2
and >fortuen
Reas the first line and thought this was gonna be the shitposter version of "One Last Hope" from Hercules
wver since ifirst read theae worsa i have live by them to this day C: