Who would win?

Who would win?

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The one that didnt have a nervous breakdown and deleted all of her twitter after being forced to touch a tranny.


Bayley has a much higher power level bro

Bailey deleted her social media after fighting Charlotte?

No she kept her twitter account I shouldve added morbidly obese tranny so that no one got confused



Whoever the writers picked.

Based as fuck

Brappy Guerrera

In a Brap contest I assume right? Definitely Bayley she's a top tier BrapQueen.

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nobody beats Bayley on that front

This ching chong entrance music is racist and fuck. Why couldn't she have a J-pop song?

Toni and Noelle could maybe, but that's it.

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The Wall.

She only deleted her twitter because people were sending her nude photos of porn actress cassidy klein who they claim she looks like. Thats why her instagram and shit are still up you cant send pictures on public posts

I don't see it

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