Care for a smoke?

care for a smoke?

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that's a type of cigarette


T. Hanks


No thanks, i dont want a mario bros cigarette

reds are nice but I prefer gold

so which one will it be?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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For me it's both

god says you should smoke everyday

God must be proud of me

god says he is very proud of you

Yeah, all this shitposting bussiness its tiring.

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Always both

Sure I'm just out of smokes, do you mind if I borrow one onii-san?

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Sure haven't had one in a while.
Care for a drink?

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Underrated post

im not sure if smoking is nice.


You should smoke after you've fucked.

Because you're fucked. In the head. I mean wow!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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yeah i'm done caring about life again

Two same numbers!

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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>submitting to the smoke-jew

you're hurting yourself and possibly those around you by smoking so not nice at all

you're hurting people's brains by making these childish nagging posts
so fuck off

cancer sticl

they are facts dudde