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I'm gay

He's gay

You raped me

I also raped me

Going to go soon

one time i shoved a live trout into my bootyhole and it got stuck


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army rangers came after like the first day weekend like he totally saw you to bring side after the weekend screwed up yeah and um and she was a radio guy down town dozen it's packed get into it lay down roll him over haha
all kinds of and they got so hot it's valuable and they don't let him sleep either
and then you know what he said to me yup yeah and so then he wanted to be on the phone go over sunday was morenow so that it's like alcohol and sweat alcohol and sweat yup

I actually don't want to rape girls, i want to pat their heads and touch cheeks

I fapped my pepin evwn though I said I wouldnt

I'm a monster of the modern age

Do not suicide you WILL DIE

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

I'm secretly everyone on this board.
They just don't know it yet,

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Your're me?

I was raped at gunpoint in the summer of 1992

you'd be surprise

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I may or may not be Satan.... don't tell.
Ur bound by confession law.

but i'm me, not surprise ; _ ;

>tfw you've been a retarded faggot all along

shit sucks man

But I'm you!
Wow I am such a faggot.

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my confession is that i imagined too much smelle

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If I shoot myself does that mean we both die?

gets boners when kills people in video games


creams if dies


i dont really have depression
i just use it as an excuse to sleep all day

let the gods decide.

Your fortune: Outlook good

I... I don't know if this is good or bad.

wanting to sleep all day is unnatural and unhealthy. if your desire to sleep all day is strong enough to need an excuse for it then you definitely do actually have depression. if you're satisfied living like that then that doesn't prove anything, contrary to popular belief you can be depressed and happy, but as long as you're depressed you'll never be as happy as you could be if you were mentally healthy

three threes!!!

i use to eat like a corn/ketchup soup when i was young
father forgive me

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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No iamn't

I f*gged a 15 year old and commited credit card fraud but its OK because im a girl

nice, now the gov. pay for me to sleep. thankyou father

don't look at it that way, use the free healthcare money for its intended purpose and try your best to get working psychiatric treatment.

privileged wamen these days