[s4s] is just one guy who IP switches and plays different roles

[s4s] is just one guy who IP switches and plays different roles

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just according to keikaku

[s4s] is that one guy who masturbates to doremi and child pornography

So it's you?

dubs! wooh!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 212K)

RIPA is an obvious case of IP switching. there's no way one shitty namefig would have that many orbiters on this website

see? he's clearly substantiating my point
if it wasn't true he wouldn't feel the need to defend his pride over a joke

i always see you, sad singles

Attached: checkem.webm (640x480, 753K)

[s4s] is just Doremi nigger, ripa, me, and you. No one else on this cesspit

reality is just one entity playing hide and seek with itself behind masks

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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two same numbers

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*farts on ur face*

Yes, you.

So you are me


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No, that's the other guy.


two same numbers twice

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Yeah, exactly, it's Uuuhhh.

I knew it

His pronouns are him/her, actually, not it.
He finds it very offensive when people do that.

fucki g retards

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

crap you're on to me

Attached: THREE.gif (734x453, 519K)

right like the whole

(hitler dubs lole)
Please stop flooding my personnal board

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

That was my dubs, since only I am here.
LOLE I am so good.

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I'm also here