Do not look at this thread. It's classified

Do not look at this thread. It's classified.

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nothing's classified on the interwebs


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pls donut arrest me Mr NASA

Don't look at my butt. It's classified

Do not read this post. It's top secret.

Attached: Top-Secret.jpg (2400x1036, 943K)

Nice dubs


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The OP's name is Dave I'm a spy

hey, who told you to read this?

Can we shit on Dave's face?

Ching chong Supreme Reader Kim Jong of course I'll be reporting back to Korea with this secret info ho ho

it is encouraged


This thread is for authorized eyes only

Attached: 8128663-do-not-open-stamp.jpg (800x800, 94K)

I know but I'm a spy

now im dead
im so fkktd now
why did I this

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I'm authorized. Let me in.

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kay lol

Nice dubs, champ.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

I'm authorized. Let me in.

If you cannot provide proof of authorization, do not view this thread. It is classified.

Attached: Classified-top-secret.jpg (469x269, 39K)

It's ok I have dubs

i am not authorized to view this thread so i will become blind now to abide by the laws

Off by 1

Oh no am I going to get sued by the FBCINSA?

Thread's classified, can't look at it.

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lol secrets are gay

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secrets are the gayest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This thread has been declassified. You may now look. However, take caution.

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If I look at this, will I die?

It would be extremely painful

fore yew

Attached: thanos,jp.jpg (990x600, 114K)

Y-you're... You're supposed to say "You're a big guy" ... then I say, "For you"
I thought you guys knew memes around here

Thanos laughs at you puny linear-time
He doesn't obey such trivialities.

Literally who dubs

but don't let this distract you from the fact that Mr Krabs sold spongebob's soul for 62 cents!

You wanna go m8, square fucking go like, I'll shag yer gran!

Attached: thanos read.gif (200x200, 40K)

Both of my "grans" are dead, show some respect

lol cuz my bennis waz too big for their vagene

Attached: thanos dance 1.gif (280x158, 866K)

No, one of them died of asphyxiation due to complications arising from emphysema, and the other one just got old and died. This was years ago so I doubt you'd even hit puberty yet

lol nibba I'm 32.
I hit puberty when I was 8. (WISH I was joking)
My grandmother is also dead. lole
Heart failure.

>I hit puberty when I was 8

Not even joking.
By 12 I my legs looked like fucking Teen Wolf.
Weirdly only my legs. Upper body, not all that hair, soon as you pass the hip, fucking werewolf.

That must have been strange

Eh. Had some girls obsessed with me, but never really cared much.
It's more later on when my body went to shit because BILOLOGY hit me hard.

>I hit puberty when I was 8
no need to lie mate

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ooooooooooops i did

Why would I lie about being hormonally fucked? lole