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cool boobs really great fit for a post on [s4s]
403 ending number so my thoughts are forbidden to acess
It's funny because this is exactly what NOT to post on s4s
well it's not very funny it's just tragic
also, #rude. Rudeposting is not allowed here.
imagine being in the middle lole
thats me over left
i will fug the dubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
lewd contrast in size
Your fortune: Godly Luck
i had a dream where someone would do the "kaonashi" prank which was from some "kaonashi" movie where some sort of device would be attached to the subject of le prank which would cause weird liquid to be dropped that would infect people to direct bizarre attention towards that person (or something like that, i dont rember)
my weirdest dream / hallucination / delusion was when i was in this vast area that had nothing on it but darkness as far as eye could see, in this vast darkness there was this spherical object, i knew i was there but i couldn't see myself per se i knew that what i was was myself but i didn't really have arms if i recall but i knew i was there, i knew the sphere was a planet like thing that held in it many things that did their things, i could fast forward time and i could reverse time, i saw no one else in the vast darkness but i felt someone or something "was" the darkness, they did not answer but didn't seem hostile just observing, i saw the end of the sphere and i saw its beginning, i could pause the sphere i could dip the sphere i could create anything i wanted out of the vast darkness i dupped "the soup", i thought of going out to the darkness to look for others but i knew by being in the soup that there were no others, all i could think of came to me in an instance all the timeless knowledge was at my fingertips, but my eyes were drawn to the sphere, just me, soup and the sphere, i had left something in the sphere that i wanted out but i knew i could not bring with me the knowledge of the soup, eventually of course i went back into the sphere but i left something behind in the soup to keep watch, i wonder how they are doing now
Your fortune: Outlook good
but that would komm susser tod this place without a new atlas
haha wierd (^:
what puzzled me was why there was only one sphere, if it was space and planet earth there should have been moon and sun and the other planets, there should have been vast stretches of space and other stars
yet i only saw one sphere floating alone in the soup, and no one else like me just the soup and somehow there was a difference between us, if that was what lays beyond duality how could have there been even that separation
should have asked those questions back when i still had the access to the knowledge of the soup, it seemed to have all the answers as long as i could think of a question, why didn't i ask any meaningful questions i have many times fantasized about what would be the best questions to ask a genie if you were to ever encounter one that imparts knowledge
my trip to the soup only left me with more questions and confusion
le soup does not belong in this le world and it is le irrelevant to le think of those things here (^:
this world is irrelevant
the soup was truth but i need to find it's opposite
if there was difference between me and it there must be its opposite
through that i will find beyond duality
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
what if its its own le opposite (^:
what if its nature relative to le you is le cyclic (^:
like a 3-torus or somethin like that is a 4 dimensional torus and being inside it would be like being in a le room full of le mirrors except le mirrors show your le back not your le front
that means sex is just advanced masturbation
our discourse is just mad man babbling to them self
yin and yang are just two slices of the same cake
this world is stupid and pointless but it can't be just that so it is the other stuff too
the point of this place is to be pointless
if soup is its own opposite then am i the soup?
if i am the soup why didn't i answer to myself?
is creation just to stave off boredom, to make motion
life really is just little things jiggling in unison
perfection is stillness where there is nothing to challenge it there is perfection
but it is inevitable that there will eventually be motion again
because eternity is a long time to do nothing
so there is life again, so the cycle begins a new
but what if there would be no boredom either
but eternity is a long time to do nothing
but what if there would be stillness without boredom
but eternity is a long time to do nothing
what if there is no time?
but eternity is a long time to do nothing
why is there life?
eternity is a long time to do nothing
heureca(no not really, just proves life is silly and our misery stems from taking it seriously)
don't jump to le conclusions (or jump to them if you le want but make sure i have nothing to do with le that)
all i said that le soup could be its own le opposite RELATIVE TO YOU
the xor function is an example of such a thing. it's not le rocket science, all i did was i just challenged ur argument "it must have a le opposite"
i AM the soup
thank you me
the past me isn't just past me its me me
and that me is also the soup
and soup is everything
therefore i am everything
i am literally everything
but that means you are also everything
but you are not me
but you are me that's not really me
shit just got chaika
haha, you're me!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
water world was a awesome movie
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Bumping this gem
Lewd is rude.
Please refrain from using lewd content when posting on [s4s].
slap stick
us and them
That inst bury nys of you user, try a sippe of the root beer
Bumping this GEM.
smol bob gril wont cooperate yet
two same numbers!
big bad booby
haha oh wow
haha oh wow
Bumping this gem
I fapped to this picture 5 times already
the tied up girl
Is dat sakura?
i want to be on the left, thatd be cool
make the one on the left with 5 times bigger head
left is right, i correct myself
triangles put your name back on already
whos triangles, tako kid?