Nice thread

In this thread we are nice about everything.
How's it going [s4s]?

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it going good i made a new fren today :)

cool thread mind if i piss on it?

Fine. I hope you are having a good day too!

I like when the nice girl is nice

me too

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why make these these edgy gifs
hope everything is okay fren

Good to hear, thank you very much
That's nice!


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went out with my ex crush, ended up making out

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Nice trips :)

that's great news! high fives!
you're welcome. thank you for the thread


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premium content

We are here for you fren. It doesn't have to be this way. What's on your mind? Let's talk about it


(good double)


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disgusting rude trips

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Let's talk friend. It's time to be nice. This doesn't benefit anyone.

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yuji sakai keeps making these, i think he is hurting bad

It benefits me with laughter

But does it really? Can't you see you'd gain more true joy by joining the nice side? We can be together, united and enjoying ourselves through peaceful measures. This is not the way. We are here for you.

I agree. I guess he like to see others suffering

too bad.
how are you friend?

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Hey buddy, what's wrong?
We're all nice here, cheer up :)

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Nice dubs.

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How was your day?

Good i think. And yours?

leave this thread berry ebil ................................................................

It was OK, but annoyingly unproductive. I'm hoping for a better tomorrow.
What do you mean you think fren? Hope you have a great tomorrow!

Everyone is welcome as long as they play nice!

Yesterday and today was confusing, not bad just a rollercoaster.
I hope you have a wonderful day and tomorrow as well. I am going to sleep soon so goodnight.

Thank you, goodnight user. I think I will go to sleep soon too, have a lovely and refreshing sleep.

she is gonna kill us

I'm no good at being nice =[

We can help you. Everyone can be nice. Starting is easy, you just have to extend a hand

Are you sure we shouldn't just... y'know, burn the world down?

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Day's not gone well at all
got a bad habit of slacking off, it's catching up to me.


I feel really lonely And Bored today,I Think I might go to sleep 2 hours earlier than usual since There is nothing to do

But you have [s4s] user!
Hopefully things are more exciting tomorrow!

when exactly did [s4s] turn into a circlejerk for lonely people? sorry must have missed a memo hehe...

This is a nice thread user, by its nature things have to be uplifting. This isn't a recurring thing, I don't think that's what [s4s] is about at all these days, but just sometimes there's threads where you can just take a break, be frens and then move on.

sounds gay

eh, it is what it is


say it one more time and see what happens.

gay faggot shit

You have forced my hand
Be wary.

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ok retard


my father just shit his death bed and i wanted to cum on it so bad...stupid doctors getting in my way

Thanks frend

rise the preassure on your dick so that you can shoot cum from a distance like an airsoft gun

Too much time has passed, my concern has faded like the wind.

And now, your life closes like a novel.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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No, we continue. Time is but an illusion. We are here in the now, the book is being written.

Fucking a lot of pussy

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This is a nice thread.


We have to finish the book.

Your fortune: Good Luck

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We cannot finish the book,as It has one page for each regular polygon


but not now


Too much time has passed, my concern fades like the wind.

And now, your life closes like a novel.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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i am having a nice day

That's good!



Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Considering i'm being socially pressured to drink, and not fully understanding where i stand at my school and in multiple social groups. not too bad.

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Rare double

this is nice board

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Haha, yeah. We so nicey :D
Muah i kiss your penis :D