You know the porn ads you see at the top of this page? Who the hell actually gets off to that?

You know the porn ads you see at the top of this page? Who the hell actually gets off to that?

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us girls have to stick together but stay away from my family

Your fortune: Average Luck

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>anime porn site
ok retard

It's nasty.

Use Adblock or UBlock Origin desu. Also, I agree. The amount of retardation in those ads is just pathetic.

>anime porn site

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>that fact I actively searched for that one of Assh Lee


i hate them! they build up my horny level and then ruin my nofap!

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coming to Yea Forums and trying to not masturbate is one of the dumbest things i've ever heard, ever, and you are an idiot

>t. wrong board, sorry guys i thought this was /b

>this board has full screen porn ads at the top and bottom of every page, and is LITERALLY what this thread is about
r u retard

who quote

Attached: himari confuse.png (237x295, 93K)


wrong board.

you mean the chatturbate cams or the pornsite ads?

are you retarded?

die rudenigger

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

i'll take that as a yes

just use adblock my nigga

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the acting is terrible, the actors/actresses are ugly, the pepises are disgusting & the scenarios are stupid
you gotta be really frustrated in order to even think about fapping to it

Fugging this.
Based post