If I was perfect I'd change the world, and make it fit for you

If I was perfect I'd change the world, and make it fit for you.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: nise.png (700x700, 309K)

Lole whate a coincidence

Attached: __zero_drag_on_dragoon_and_drag_on_dragoon_3_drawn_by_shinzui_fantasysky7__11f910667c5f717d7ebb3cdcc (659x750, 310K)

I SERIOUSLY need a girlfriend right now

Attached: __mikhail_and_zero_drag_on_dragoon_and_drag_on_dragoon_3_drawn_by_gekka_nanako__57562d22e1add8f2eac5 (1333x1000, 275K)

ill be your girl(boy) friend

I IRONICALLY need a girlfriend right now

hey baby :)

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it me from last night uwu

hi stranger

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shut up nigger


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nice cat ^^

thank you!!!!!
its me


god says cats should not be in a bathub atleast 77.88% of the time

lole! I'm not!!!!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

are you a girl?

My only option is to take a BBC inside me RIGHT NOW .

Catfish stop making CTS jealous.

nooo.... ;(

That's okay I like boys too

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if i was an anime girl i’d be an ugly one

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you'll never get one


Catfish is such an incel oh my G-d I am laugh

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you're an incel
he's so pathetic haha

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Because girls don't want to sxe you

das not true

You can't prove that

ripa get in here

can be my gf too

Attached: __akagi_and_kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_watanon_gakushokutei__2251491948634a69bab9d4fbedba4c1e.j (703x1000, 518K)

she has tits

(very nice dubs)

Where did you get those pictures of me?

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yeee ill be ur gf too