why [s4s] cute
Why [s4s] cute
bcuz beign nice is nice
[s4s] is a lot less cute when you realize they're actually ugly sweaty losers in real life
[s4s] is a lot moar cute when u realiez all ob da bullys r loleso pretty littlel girls in irl life
just because you're an ugly, jaded mess doesn't mean other posters are too
have you seen what looks like?
yes, i never found him cute in the first place
*drinks a bottle of worlds most expensive wine in one chug*
who do you find cute then? ripa?
catfish and CTS
end your life
more ripa for me
leds b nice pumpkin spice
dubs! wooh!
who even talked to you, go away
fuck off retard faggot
eat swiss cheese
b nice pls
god i wish that were me
being a sexist pig and a feminist but its okay because there is a bad guy
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
i actually remember 2012 when troll and memeface rage was popular and i dont remember much about that time period but skyrim was very popylar
dats p cool.
a tiem when skyrim wuz bury poplar... mayb if skyrim gets poplar again... den troll n meme face wlell get poplar again tto!