Why would anyone watch something I can network anytime when NJPW is absolutely killing it in Britain right now

> Why would anyone watch something I can network anytime when NJPW is absolutely killing it in Britain right now.

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This E drone absolutely vibrating that his gay bongland version of NXmeme is getting BTFO by New Chadpan

Huh what u mean?

>Good to see my kind words triggered you to wojack post.
The only basedsauce I use is for chink food and an ingredient in steak marinades. Hillary should be in jail, funko pops are for faggots, niggers only exist to do chores commit crimes and make white people laugh. I dont know what the tattoo is referencing.
If you are watching AEW tonight you dont get to make fun of anyone by the way.

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you used greentext wrong and then THE FILTER WENT OVER YOU CLEAN FOR THE 1-2-3 HOLY SIMPOLA

>That theres a right and wrong way to greentext.
Cope and SEETHE that NJPW puts on a better show than whatever shit you watch. Later child.


the newfaggotry radiating off of you is blinding

>Samefagging this hard

lmao you who japan cucks are literally irrelevant

Attached: weebs btfo.png (277x483, 19K)

>what is a poster count?


I've posted on her for 6 years. I know how to manipulate the poster count too user. Just stop you are coming off as desperate

>posted for 6 years
>doesn’t know how to greentext
bullshit. now go back

I'll green text however I see fit seeing how I've posted on Yea Forums since 2008. Just stop larping ya tourist. If anyone needs to go back it is you, you ain't gonna make it here with the wolves, kid.
>Cant even defend the show you like cause you know its shit.
But continue with your damage control bro.

didn't read

>I-I was totally an oldfag
>n-no u
no one’s buying your shit, retard. Go soak your brain. Maybe it’ll finally get some wrinkles in it.


i might be a samefag but never a nujapan loser LMAO

>i might be a samefag but never a nujapan loser LMAO
>i might be a samefag but never a nujapan loser
>i might be a samefag but never a loser
>i might be a samefag but never loser
>i might be a samefag never loser
>i might be a samefag loser
You are definitely a samefag and a loser.

Attached: kevin-kelly-wwf-picks-nose-the-rock.gif (320x241, 2.88M)


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>has to edit out all the (You)'s

>having loyalty to a corporation
>doing their job for them for free
Honestly lower than jannies.

Ya fume?


LOL what?

And fags who demand equality protested it.

Good. Those straight pride fags are proud boy tier

>being an edrone

Have heterosexual sex faggot