
Attached: samp37f32bc551b037.jpg (300x300, 21K)

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why do you like boys?

sippin peni*e juice i bet LOLE

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some of them are cute

Attached: HEY.jpg (667x378, 89K)

like u

no boys ever hit on me (i think?)

does anybody remember when catfish took that picture of his cock in that homeless shelter? that was definitely the moment that made me contemplate this guy's sexuality, i mean he was in a room full of desperate men and there he was showing off his bopper...almost porn tier shit really...

plot twiste: catfish was born with a uteruse and that was his boyfriends peniss

I bet you say that to all of the girls

Attached: duhh.png (608x637, 211K)

it wasn't a homeless shelter it was a rehab for sex addicts..catfish put there after slaying too much PUSSY bcuz he is str8

only the cute ones
like u

ummm do not misgender catfish -___-

boipussy maybe, guy's a total fucking fruit

like you

pussy iz pussy

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g-gosh user..

Attached: bavi8.jpg (1000x1333, 133K)

i hate when the faggots start erping in the threads

ive had feelings for u for months catfish i just not know how to say it...
even now i too scared to use namefig...

Your fortune: Excellent Luck


Attached: my waifu.png (750x750, 196K)

Attached: ripa GONE.png (680x400, 19K)

ahahahha you fucking wish

i am not ripa catty dear, but one day you will find out and we will live happily together forever...

I love you too(don't let cts see this)

no more words catty......



no shoebill posting

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me in the pic

Your fortune: Outlook good

get your hands off of her

premium content

premium minecraft

ara ara what's this?

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>21 make me wanna rob my own house