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fishe dubs

wishe a fishe

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they smele like KAORIN'S CUNNY

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

kaori isn't gay she just likes girls in her own way what's hard about this -__-

Trips confirm as fact.

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kaorin's CLITORIS & NIPPLES when she imagines sakaki KISSING HER TONGUE

honestly i always assumed the joke was that sakaki j*cks off a lot ...

dubs,me too

wait do girls "jack" "off"?

would the better name be jill off?

your mom does

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occasional reminder that every azumanga is gay especially the one you want to put your p*n*s in

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

chiyo is only 10 so i highly doubt she's been infected by the gay virus yet..

>Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: Average Luck

schlick sounds stupid. fap is the correct term.

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Who's Osaka in love with?

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

ONLY 320 YEN!!!!

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