Saturday's Asian Gorl thread

Saturday's Asian Gorl thread.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Other urls found in this thread:

What does she do? Where does she go?

The entire world is open to asain gorl.

stop making threads

>“Sister, could you please phone home for me?” she’d ask, and I’d assure her mother she was having dinner with us and would be ready to leave at such and such an hour. Then her maid, Ume, would come after her in a taxi. Often we had dinner alone upstairs, but sometimes I invited my husband to join us since he had nothing else to do; he always agreed, and the three of us would eat together. By now Mitsuko never hesitated to call me Sister in his presence. When she wanted to talk to me, she would phone me even in the middle of the night. –Junichiro Tanizaki

Asian Gorl is really confused. Confused. Torn between ambition and instinct. Does she follow her heart, or establish within herself a reason for being? A reason for existing... a purpose. Which is more important? How can Asian Gorl quantify the existential choices? Are the two even different from one another? They pair up in frightening symmetry..

I will make another thread now.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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I made another thread but anonymous did not care to acknowledge me... a lonely feeling.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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two same numbers!


Dubs in the Asian Gorl thread...

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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>“I think I’m ready to get a room. Any motels close by?” Rachel breathed, her fingers still entangled in his hair, not wanting him to stop. –Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians

Do you know how seuss met Asian Gorl? It was by chance! A serendipitous event... coincidence. Asian Gorl was walking by, in the way tomboys do, with their boyish stomps, and their itchy groins! Blowing bubble gum bubbles with no regard for where the spittle lands! seuss, an idler, reading soft and effeminate literature spies Asian Gorl out of his peripheral! Shyly he seeks her attention, "e-excuse me, Asian Gorl! Nice day today isn't it?"

Asian Gorl's coarse and vulgar attitude is generous. In that fit of disgust Asian Gorl usually has, she rises from her slumped posture into a hostile and taunting glare, staring seuss in the chin! "You wanna start something, bub?" asks Asian Gorl..

Hair disheveled, crotch showing pubes, and her hand scraping incessantly at it, as if some rash were plaguing the area, seuss can't help but feel like himself around Asian Gorl! His comfort brings Asian Gorl no security, "I was t-t-thinking, maybe we can go on a date?" seuss finally musters the courage!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Asian Gorl thread almost dead...

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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The time is almost right!

The seance...! Ritual for the Asian Gorl... we will pray to the ebil demons, Baphomet and Alastor, to reunite seuss with Asian Gorl in the next life... This contract in blood must be paid with thorough ambition! The templars would be proud...

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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seuss is ready! He will throw his halo away for Asian Gorl! You can keep this one G*d, I love Asian Gorl! This human life is too good! Especially with her... I'll trade this ring for horns! Just like that character from the Metal Gear games..

>"You throw strong words at me, but you are nothing," Auntie said. "You are the son of a mother who has so little respect she has become ni, a traitor to our ancestors. She is so beneath others that even the devil must look down to see her." –Amy Tan, The Joy-Luck Club

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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seuss doesn't know how to be very edgy anymore... he's tried everything from hard drugs to getting intimate with the man downstairs. He wants to be edgy! Hardcore... for Asian Gorl! Asian Gorl likes the hard stuff, it's dependable and loyal. Like a wall which cools the cheek, to the touch. Asian Gorl won't need a wall anymore when she's found me! Look out Aleister Crowley, I'm gonna study witchcraft! (It's not very edgy...)

>If I could not-eat, perhaps I could make myself a warrior like the swords woman who drives me. I will—I must—rise and plow the fields as soon as the baby comes out —Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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I try to post in your threads, but I am unsure if your want me or others to...
It seems like these are better when it's just you, maybe... I have no clue how you feel.
You and I, we talk often name or no. I enjoy when you post as user as well, though few would suspect it's you when you do.

I don't think many people want to impersonate seuss... so it's me most likely!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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I know it's you! lole...
I was saying I am uncertain if you want others posting in your threads or if you want these to be sanctums of sorts for your expressive talents.

Was saying I enjoy when you and I chat as well.
You helped me tremendously whether you know it or not. So thank you.

Oh, I don't mind too much.. I didn't role play with Asian Gorl so it makes me lonely...

Lonely feelers... bug antennae, buzz buzz! Zap... shocking strikes to the ego!

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Yeah... I feel lonely too most of the time.
Dating apps, social clubs idk man... It's all a chore. We are all looking for the girl next door, the easy to get reliable someone that will be there for you.

You have to search to find them. You can do it seuss! Find her, search until you do. What other choice do you have?

It's impossible... I have to make a blood pact with the demons in order to do anything anymore! seuss doesn't enough blood to summon Asian Gorl in his body! The demons are just too greedy. Just too hungry!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Maybe patience and a building of desire leading to greater control would do you well. Trying too hard, and not enjoying the moment, overlooking the little things in life, the simple pleasures... maybe you need to take a step back and breath.

Nope, I am definitely looking the wrong way. I will have to do everything you said, otherwise I'll be too stringent and acidic in the designs for Asian Gorl.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Your life. Respect seuss. You know what is right.
Goodnight my friend. I enjoy these threads.

My life is okay. It is no worse than working at the Empire State Building, though people will disagree because it disarms them... and being disarmed is like... being vulnerable (those two words aren't synonymous...)

But okay, you should sleep too!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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>Asian American women have consistently been constructed as sexually available to white men. Asian American men have seen a different shift in gender stereotyping that is unlike other men of color in the United States because they, exclusively, have gone through an emasculating, castrating process. –Rosalind S. Chu, Asian American Sexual Politics

Asian Gorl is a little miffed...forced to decide between suitors who expect her hand in marriage. They all know what's best for her; know what she needs. How can anyone know what's best for Asian Gorl!? She should be the only one who can assess the matter of what is best for her and what isn't...

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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This is Asian Gorl, she is getting ready to put it in my butt...

She seems pretty happy, although, I wonder what her family would say if they saw these pictures..

>"Giddy-up nig," Asian Gorl yells in the hotel room!

Your fortune: Outlook good

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why are people obsessed with girls


Okay, back to the Asian Gorl thread.

Tonight I feel super sexual! I will try to masturbate despite not being very aroused... I feel this lack of arousal is a weakness. A failing of personality and character. I must overcome it if I intend to have limitless sex with Asian Gorl!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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yeah I feel hypersexed too. but for me I know it's the Adderall. and because sunday the devil attacks me to drive me from church into smut, or something.

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stop posting human beings

All sex is moral...

Although seuss breaks moral taboos and is hyper-defeatist, moral sexuality is the most exciting. We will pray to Beelzebub for hyper-sexual Asian Gorl orgies!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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"Awee-dooma-vae-victus-agricolae...." seuss prays to the elder demons in his bedroom.

The candles flicker on and off, as the hush of the wind rinses the room with evil spirits! "Give me Asian Gorl with a fat butt... oh greater demons of H*ck! I beseech you..." seuss' neck and wrist bleed, as the blood-pact formed with the otherworld tears open a new dimension! Immediately, seuss is in the spirit, envisioning Asian Gorl who has just left her home! seuss sees himself in this vision as well, running alongside her and kidnapping her! Forcing his hands down her most precious and private parts, causing her distress and dismay! Her eyes signalling fear and confusion, veins cracking into her retina as seuss begins to work at her sexual organs with his mouth! The restrained Asian Gorl never stood a chance... for the power of the demons was too great!

seuss, observing his rape and impregnation of Asian Gorl is very pleased! He sees something he wishes would come to reality, but as soon as his excitement reaches its apex, the vision ends! Thrust back into his own body, his own mind, seuss wonders if what he saw was a vision of the future, or a really good dream! He may never know, but at least the spirits of H*ck had awarded him with greater mysteries...

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Darn. Gay again...

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Asian Gorl thread is page nine...

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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very nice dubs

Thank you for checking!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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Is it okay to post literature and cultural studies in the Asian Gorl thread again?

>Time solved some of the concerns. The side effects of the medication settled, the happy-go-lucky surges decreased in frequency. I am no longer waking up with cheeriness and a song in my heart; I need coffee. I do get stressed at airports. I can indeed stop laughing. I still get the tickle in my heart, but my brain is a bit more discriminatory. It happens when my little dog makes repeated attempts to lead me, a clueless human, to play fetch with a toy that is bigger than he is. –Amy Tan, Where the Past Begins

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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Loneliness I guess

still gay

I didn't see your post. It's either lust, a yearning to be with someone out of loneliness or a desire to find true love which drives people to the point of obsession, male or female.

How do I become straight?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Eat asian (gorl):^)

That doesn't sound too bad, I see Asian Gorl's on Booth Memorial sometimes...

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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