This is what it is all about
This is what it is all about
honestly as a wwe fan I am shaking a little - this is the face of the future
me in the front with my arms crossed
AEW fans are subhuman
That's just good clean fun.
This is what I figure the anons on this board who dislike the Undertaker and call him "undercarder" look like irl.Bunch of faggot sòy guzzlers.
To be fair that is probably the most normal group of wrestling fans I have seen outside of Mexico or Japan.
Get a hold of yourself.
Have you seen WWE crowds? It’s mostly the same people
>This is what it is all about
das rite
All Out of the closet
>This is what it's all about right here
Cut to 3 fat manlets and one fat chick bowing
AE podcast was there?
>all those white leftist cucks at the affirmative action panel
e-drones BTFO lmao
they all look like chads to me
>mfw the Meme Bucks music hits
haha, could you imagine if someone dropped a nuke on that place haha
Unironically imagine the smell
Don't be problematic. Remember, according to our media cleanliness and a desire to bathe and not stink is a symptom of white supremacy.
rent free
>Acording to Meltzer
What is this expression trying to convey?
please believe that this is my real hair
Literally what is this?
>AEW fans are subhuman
The people near the back look photoshopped in.
>White people didnt start regularly bathing till the 1920's
>perfume and cologne were literally created to masked Euroshit stench
>Called Indians savages despite the fact that bathing every single day was part of their culture
>why yes I paid $49.99 to watch All Out alone in my bedroom, how did you know?
>nothing but men and men in transition
>Only race to end slavery
>Responsible for the developed world as you know
lol whites are the real savages
Imagine saving this.
I hate AEW. I dont watch AEW, I dont save AEW cringe I dont post AEW cringe because I dont like AEW. But you save webms of kids dancing ya pedo.
Estrogen injections
That fat guy at the end licking his fingertips and rubbing his nips lol WTF