The CTS girl

The CTS girl

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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the CTS "girl"

the CTS tranny

Henlo Microsoft tech support here, Christopher Johnson speaking how may I help you today?

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fuck catfish, hebi and CTS
worst namefigs in this board

Catfish defend me pls

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I prefer cuddles and kisses and hugging more than fugging

you haven't been as shit as i remember lately. what's wrong with you

1. Nothing wrong with me
2. Nothing wrong with me
3. Nothing wrong with me
4. Nothing wrong with me

hes grown since he started posting here....
i'm so proud

catfish and hebi/arulson are still a putrid pile of shit

Don't bully me, Hebi or my wife.

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kinda ironic when the asshole asks someone not to bully him

nobody ever questioned that lol

I'm an asshole and people still like me. Sup with that?

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only junkie degenerates like yourself would ever like you
any self-respecting person would want nothing to do with you

Swaglord is a weed junky too and look how well he's done for himself.

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is that all you got?

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Chicken soup is good please don't be rood.

hey stumpy. take this

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so that's why ripa always ignores him lole

triplels in da haus

and every other namefig that doesn't give him (you)'s

I-I can't talk to him because he makes my kokoro go doki doki

Cts just knows how to push a grils right buttons

good post CTS

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tfw the real ripa will never say this

two same numbers!