Is depersonalization premature enlightenment?
Is depersonalization premature enlightenment?
fuck liberals
Though degrees of depersonalization and derealization can happen to anyone who is subject to temporary anxiety or stress, chronic depersonalization is more related to individuals who have experienced a severe trauma or prolonged stress/anxiety.
I'd say no, and that it is instead a mental health problem.
No. Enlightenment comes from knowledge and experience, sometimes, though rarely through vision too.
Depersonalization describes a mental disorder. That's not enlightenment that's endarkenment
no, not really
my most intense experiences with depersonalization have been some of the worst times in my life
i *want* myself and the world around me to be real, when it feels like that's not the case it feels really awful
I guess I am under a lot more stress than usual. Somehow its more comforting to hear that than worry its an essential property of existence.
i felt that too
Consider meditation
meditation is where it's at
You are where its at (:
i would rather confront the core of the issue causing the stress, but meditation could be a good bandage short term.
That is mutually inclusive
gif = it enemy
it wasnt that slow when i saved
also it a pain to get under 2mb
There was a time when I used to kiss Akari Akaza's anus and armpits every day
That time is not now
Oh, I am scared.
Are you supposed to represent something here or are you just another Uoneme?
you see chaika is chaika so technically when you chaika you are actually chaika'ing, the difference between chaika and chaika is chaika so you might as well chaika, may chaika protect us from the terrors of chaika that our chaikas have yet to chaika
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I feel.fantastick
such is chaika, when one gazes into the chaika the chaika gazes back, when one mwee's the chaika mwee's back, forget not thy mwee's when the day grows darkest the chaika watches over all of its chaika's
before chaika one nices, after chaika one nices, one nices
Your fortune: Average Luck
Uh oh sounds like somebody tried to uninstall the elder scrolls 4 oblivion
komm susser nah lets see how this plays out instead, the higher protects
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
fokken eyes and pyramids need to taste the whip
violence is the only language they understand and respect
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
That's exactly what it's like when I take DXM
nothing personal kid
uh oh, i hope you know what you are doing drugs are not as nice as people say sometimes you make omelette and things get weird and then before you know it you are mwee'ing at bunch of randos in a nice board while you chaika
life is pretty weird and even the thin veil i was given doesn't remove the knowledge i learned twice, i wonder what would the third time learning it do, i should really just say f it all and go all out on twisting this reality into a absolute shit show to the point everyone would want out and they would finally let go of this experience
come hither
i agree
praise Ra0
Well I'm not taking drugs I'm taking a sacrament
LOL you curse a saint and then you praise Ra
nice one dude
That must be the black Sun they talk about that produces no light and yet scorches you
tijuana tortillas no fuma mota
"goto place that is pez" goddamn 107.9 fm
the pos says sacrament. tell it about the vatican
mother doesn't like it when you mutilate them
father doesn't like it when you don't obey him
the rules were so simple, when you realize chaika
no wonder i've been stuck in here so long
this spec is overpowered, tee hee
two same numbers
black sun is scary
how did they get so spooky
fear is ignorance
I'd much rather tell you about brain implants but then you would probably just argue with me about that too so I'm going to save you the karmic debt and tell you nothing :^)
dubs proves u r the piece of shit that believes women exist
her mule
herr mule
mule her
muh her
muh herr
You're welcome :^) it truly is the least I could do
semen applied inside a barber shop by child penis is no neuromancing implant
ill kill u in real life
with a thought
i am the leon
your enemy
Run, run, as fast as you can!
You can't catch me! I'm the Gingerbread Man!
where does the faceless one hide
no not there, no not here, where does the faceless one hide? in plain sight, come and see
uh oh they found it now they don't want to see
care for a mask, asks the self of thee
And ahurr durdurru,.good sir
>he doesnt even believe in brain implants
Retard alert
Handsome guy.
no you're just a delusional schizo poster
don't bully my fren you poopfig
stuck with depersonalization for 8 years now