Personal Blog

Today when I got off I went by the dollar general because I have wanted to make some ranch for some popcorn shrimp I have in the freezer so I was crossing my fingers they had buttermilk and they did but it was big bottles of it and I didn't know how much it costs they didn't have price on it the lady rang it up it was 2$ which is pretty ok I already had the other stuff but I went back to the fridge because the expiration was 4/10 so I reached alway in the back it was 4/21 so I got that one instead and some gushers and then some camels now I'm going to get blackout drunk and eat nothing until I make wrestlemania enchiladas Sunday

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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I haven't had any since new year eve

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This looks very good. Yes, I want to eat this. In the first pic, I thought in the background were greasy bananas. My favorite dessert, LOLE!

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no lol is just tasty yeasty bread stick
Captain ds have tasty yeast bread stick too and they use to be an option as a side but then they made it where they where a "premium" side cost like 75cents extra to substitute now it's not a side at all it only comes with their grilled fish and rice fancy dish things LAME

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Must not hurt very much to be able to pose for a pic :^)

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is that poop

goes in cycles i'm all about michael

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Don't smoke I'm not trying to tell you what to do I just care about your health.

the cheeseocaust owo

"trust me i smoke all the time but you shouldn't start"

good advice he's a domain expert.

When me and my brother were little kids + lived in Cleveland Ohio. We would get a cup of quarters and go across the street to the apartments they sold cigarettes in vending machines then. $0.50 would get a pack of whatever we wanted normally I would throw up after smoking a few. How much does a pack cost now?


You like cowboy Killers witch Killers or eskimo killers or camel killers? Please don't tell me you smoked the gay ones like Pall Mall

i like pyramids

They will kill you eventually

happy morning G8rH8r

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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is it bad if I'm already high and drinking a beer

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Have you considered getting help for your alcoholism, fascination with steroid riddled half naked grown men in tights, and morbid obesity?

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Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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