>AEW big 4 ppv tomorrow
>people only talking about RAW and SDL
oh no no no
AEW big 4 ppv tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm unironically not going to watch because the shitty comedy shit they do every event
enough is enough
I wanted them to succeed but I dont think they're taking this opportunity serious even a little bit
i just counted
there are currently 9 all out threads
1 njpw royal quest thread
1 nxt uk thread
0 threads about raw or smackdown
>I dont think they're taking this opportunity serious even a little bit
I sorta agree with this to an extent. For all the shit we give, I actually think Cody is taking this incredibly seriously. Everyone else is making me nervous. The Bucks are just massaging their egos, Kenny is in charge of a meaningless women's division and lacks the backbone to play his star card (the fact he isn't the most protected guy on the show is a joke), and Tony Khan is just a flat out mark. There really are too many cooks in the kitchen and eventually someones gonna light a fire and it won't be for the better.
Seth has a micro penis
I’m seeing so many SmackDown commercials on FS1. I don’t know about this war anymore All Elite bros
This attendance, tranny
>worked numbers
Big fucking YIKES
Yeah just wait until they start hitting that 2 mill range after the first month. FOX will panic big time. Just like when they sold their whole entertainment division to Disney
Is fake yes we’ve already btfo you about this many times.
Dilate, seethe, and cope trannies
Imagine actually watching AEW
I gave it 1 (one) chance with DoN, was unimpressed and will now ignore it unless I'm mocking it on Yea Forums
But nobody is talking about RAM or Smarkdown
I am actually excited for All Elite Wrestling: All Out because it has that great blend of a well-known and well-loved tag team but with the uniqueness and depth of the WWE. If I had to pick my favorite, it would be the old guy Finn Bálor (he goes by the goofy name Bobby Lashley) as he doesn't have the big personality of Triple H so he is a bit on the dark side as I'm sure you can imagine but he's got awesome moves and I know he will add a lot to this team. It will be fun with the return of Big Show, which they are teasing more than I have seen. The addition of Daniel Bryan is definitely gonna add something to the card.
I think it is a good match as there wasn't really a whole lot of action which is a good thing because it was fun to watch in its own right. If the matches in the WWE can be so entertaining, as the last two were against NXT and CMLL, a return to the Cruiserweight division should be great for this group.
>Imagine complaining about AEW doing comedy when the biggest fed in the country has a world champion throwing pancakes and pushing kid cereal.
Fucking irony.
Yep, you've used all the buzzwords you fucking mindless nobody.
And that's literally fucking repelling dimes therefore proving "shitty comedy" is a perfectly valid thing to complain about.
> imagine destroying yourself AND leting WWMEME live in your head rent free
I'm impressed at how dumb you are.
This tranny nigga BOILING LMAO
Lmao look how mad you are!
That's the thing I love about AEW the most, seeing you fucking beta faggots lose your shit over it. AEW is going to skew those Trannie/faggot suicide numbers XD
>btfo so bad he gets reduced to a bumbling mess
if Kofi went to AEW TOMORROW you faggots would saying how he was packaged wrong and how Vince doesnt know how to book. Then Kofi would go into a series of matches against Darby Anus and Sonny Kiss and you'd be swearing they were 7 star affairs and drooling over him facing the Perfect 10 jobber. Put cyanide in that kool aid and end it already
Lmao nice damage control faggot. Why am I not surprised you have reading comprehension problems as well? Seeing this board meltdown over a better wrestling promotion is incredibly satisfying.
asp is about shitting on the worst of the worst. 9 threads for All Out is the equivalent of lining the floor with old newspapers so you make sure you you have room to shit freely.
Why would end it? I'm an AEW Chad, my life is fucking great. You losers make it even better. Please keep crying on here, I'll be reading and laughing.
Come on user, throw some trendy words at me. Say
>Rent free
Amuse me :)
Not seeing this gimmick getting over, desu
>Amuse me :)
This is what the core AEW fan is. A faggot contrarian that thinks like a different style of pretend wrestling, that is heavy on trannies, comedy jobbers, and is more basement than the usual pretend wrestling, makes them like some kind of wine connoisseur. You are going to be on here being entertained because shit for sure you know in your head that the shows themselves arent entertaining at all
Promise me something user, when NXT gets BTFO by AEDUB and you eventually hero, please, PLEASE live stream it here. It'll be epic!
>when NXT gets BTFO by AEDUB
The chances of this happening are about as high as you engaging in sex with a woman, who is conscious, and not a family member.
Did the TNT show tonight play anything new other than YouTube clips?
Bro, I'm married. Me and my wife are smoking a bowl and laughing at all you retards. Oh my god, you're such a pathetic loser it actually makes me feel better about my life
> married
>smoking a bowl
You can't legally marry your hand.
You're basically admitting you're a E-drone and the concept of fucking a woman an impossible dream. Lmfao. No wonder all you faggots do all day here is cry like little bitches, you are one! I'm so fucking glad you pussies aren't going to watch AEW. Shits too based for ya. Keep going user, this shit is great.
>and the concept of fucking a woman an impossible dream
Oh so I get it now. You're retarded. Either that or you're larping as a retard. Well it is a Friday Timmy, so you can stay up and look like a retard on asp since there is no school tomorrow. Tomorrow is Hot Pocket night too.
How does it feel that I'm married with kids, run my own business, and have already paid off my house before the age of 35? That's why I come here to laugh at pathetic losers like yourself. I legit see you as a lesser person than myself. Might be an unpopular thing to say but I only care about my own amusement. I love riling you fuckers up.
How does it feel that you're so insecure about your life you post about it on a wrestling image board?
The utter state of your life.
Does being mentally ill mean that you constantly try to flip the conversation and move goalposts? I don't think you get it user. I'm LAUGHING at you. You're playing right into my hands. Oops, sorry, exposing the business.
i can almost taste the tears
And still same fagging. Oh also
Hey dumbass, I'm the guy who's married, not the user replying to me. Holy shit the reach you faggots will try is absolutely glorious.
why did you think my post was samefagging?
yea yea sure sure. Alright man. Have fun talking to yourself. I know you're used to it by now. Samefag the thread to the top!
>Sees some user replying to my comments immediately
Holy shit, wait..
You can't be that fucking pathetic right?
Are you the one immediately replying and then claiming samefag?
Are you trying some 4d chess type of shit here?
That's incredible user. I'm thoroughly impressed by your Autism.
I'm too high for this shit user.
Thank you for the lulz.
Off to play some Rainbow six
Try not to kill yourself come October though, ok?
Promise me.
Just call me President McSeethinghower because I'm making ALL the autists seethe tonight.
Are you talking about this video?
Gotta give you mad props dude.
AEWfags have now been spamming the board with new threads, only generating 5-10 replies in each thread, but enough new threads to fool some simps.
You created ONE thread and WORKED them into an utter frenzy. That's talent. That's Alpha.
>Sent from my iPhone 7
Post tomorrows card I have no idea.
Nobody has any idea. The biggest news was that Ambrose isn't wrestling and everyone's reaction was "who was he even facing??"
>Gotta give you mad props dude.
>AEWfags have now been spamming the board with new threads, only generating 5-10 replies in each thread, but enough new threads to fool some simps.
>You created ONE thread and WORKED them into an utter frenzy. That's talent. That's Alpha.
>1 Adam Page vs. Chris Jericho Singles match for the inaugural AEW World Championship
>2 Pac vs. Kenny Omega Singles match
>3 Best Friends (Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) Tag team match Winners receive a first round bye in the AEW World Tag Team Championship tournament
>4 Lucha Brothers (Pentagón Jr. and Rey Fénix) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) Escalera De La Muerte for the AAA World Tag Team Championship
>5 Cody vs. Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard) Singles match
>6 Darby Allin vs. Joey Janela vs. Jimmy Havoc Cracker Barrel Clash
>7P 21-woman Casino Battle Royale[1] Winner will receive a match for the inaugural AEW Women's World Championship, scheduled for AEW on TNT on October 2
>8 Riho vs. Hikaru Shida Singles match
>9P Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) vs. Angélico and Jack Evans Tag team match
>10 Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, and Marko Stunt vs. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky) Six-man tag team match
Exactly. Fuck y'all its gonna be great.
Please see...
Just cause ya geeks spam the board with dead threads after being called out, don't mean shit!
If ya count wwe related threads, this board is straight 80%>20% RAW/Smackdown. Now can you dig THAT, sucka!!!
Also, you know you wood!
this is the same bitch who posts "chads dont call themselves chads" lol what a mark
You're just jealous that I've actually had sex unlike you.
The only match I gave a shit about was called off a week prior, but vs Pac is cool too. No story behind it, though.
>No Moxley
>Fyter Fest sucked
>Double or Nothing sucked except for Cody/Dustin and Moxley showing up
I'm not even going to bother watching it and I was pretty excited for AEW a couple months back. Still curious about the TV show though.
have sex
cringe and cope
Thank fuck Yea Forums and or reddit doesnt represent all the wrestling fans there are. Shows would be shitfests with ding-dong diddly chants
Sadly, Yea Forums and reddit are EXACTLY representative of wrestling fans, especially for a niche promotion like AEW.
I know you were trying to prove a point, but ya gotta remember, prowrestling is for faggot losers like you. Period. Point blank. Always. #SorryTheTruthHurts
But AEW very clearly doesn't want me to be a fan, and I care so little that I won't even be bothering to watch it on a pirate stream
shows already are shitfests
Biggest cope ever
Why'd you bump this ya retard there's like two NJPW Threads and everyone is talking about AEW
Based necrobumper