How do i deal with constantly fucking everything up?

how do i deal with constantly fucking everything up?

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You need a soul for that

try to learn from your mistakes and get better by studying and training

i did the exact opposite of what i normally do and still fucked up

pst hey kid, wanna buy some salvation?
ever heard of... moksha? good shit, gets you off this rock for good
side effects may include not reincarnating no more but hey life's a drag and people are mean
just take a few hits of buddhism and you'll be on your way to whatever afterlife you'll end up in
pretty sweet eh, with our limited time bonus if you liberate self while alive you get nifty extra shit
c'mon kid, don't you want to be a liberated yogi like all the cool kids

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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what did you do jigglypuff?

i fucked up, like i always do

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the exact opposite isn't always the solution. you have to find the balance and constantly change to meet it

jigglypuff is basically cade kirby


it feels like everything i do just leads to more hurt

Try to fill your life with things that you can do easily and reliably and that give you a sense of satisfaction so when that one thing goes wrong you still have multiple things in your day that went smoothly.

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you can do it fren :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you jus have to belieb, fren :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

this what's the point in crying on [s4s] of all boards

sorry, i just didn't think of /adv/ because i never go there

when i have something to cry about i go to /r9k/ which i suggest you should NOT do unless you like emotional pain

emotional pain is the only friend that is always there for me

so you fucked up, happens to everyone. now go and fix it before it's too late

try to act with care, try to learn and practice your craft.
what is it you do?

finally someone gets it ;_;

the worst friend though. the one that takes all your time and makes life unbearable
not worth having that friend

it's full of nice people usually, that isn't true on most boards

i don't know how to explain it. i just don't know how to control my emotions.

whats the crime

So this is a social thing? That takes practice for some people. The more effort you put into it the more stress develops, practice being at ease and and calmly speaking.

it's a social thing, yes. i just wish i could stop caring about others. seems like no matter what i do it just comes out wrong.

Are you a slut?

You have to learn to love and respect yourself before you can expect others to.


You can start enjoying being alone.
This way you'll be independent from having to interact with others to feel good.

what is it that you fuck up?

how i can i love myself when no one wants to be around me? the only time i had friends was when i built a completely different persona around myself.

this is all i wish for. i wish i could just stop giving a fuck about anyone. but i can't.
i don't know how to be myself without hurting people around me.

do you actually hurt them or you just think that you hurt them?

i don't know. people just always stop wanting to do anything with me.

can you be more specific - whats the last "fuck up" you did

that's your main issue then. make yourself into someone you can admire and others will feel the same. be honest with who you are and build up the best parts of whoever that is

sounds like you're kinda selfish

I've been coming to s4s for like 2 weeks now and i only started seeing this magick guy yesterday. Was he banned? He seems like a very rude person, i like doremi poster way more. Also checking your dubs

Ar*lson type of thread.

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>i'm a newfig and i like doremiposter
fuck you

He is impersonating a niceposter.
That is a fake. The real Magick is quite charming and an ascended anime.

i just don't know how to find the balance between caring about people and leaving them alone. i try to keep my distance sometimes but if i worry too much i just get honest with them and it usually leads to them pushing me away.
last time i pretended to be someone else it didn't end well. as i said, i don't know how to show people that i care about them. it feels like i always end up doing either too much or too little.
i just want to be happy and if i can't do that i atleast want to make others happy.

Actually what ever happened to them?
Did they die?
On that topic, whatever happened to Suebi and her (his (her)) sip threads?
Where did yuiposter go?
Did all those fags go to the discorbs?

Sorry fren i didn't mena to make u angry. From what i see we're all supposed to be nice to each other here

Ty for the info fren i really appreciate it. This impostor guy seems like a real bad egg

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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Suebi is making the same threads on /bant/ now.
Yuiposter is probably lurking and posting without a name.
Ar*lson probably killed himself lol

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Is doremiposter really that bad if he makes newfigs want to be nice?

as i said, you must find out who you are and build up the best qualities of your person. learn to love and accept who you are and be at ease. if you can just chill out and be at ease around others that would likely be enough, you shouldn't have to try at all, just reciprocate. they help you, you help them, they talk you listen and vice versa.

yes. he is. i hope he stops imposering my friend.

I keep meaning to go on /bant/ more but it just doesn't have the fun that this place has.
/bant/ shitposts in the bad way, not the good way. They over-shitpost.
They throw so much shit at the wall none of it sticks because of sheer weight ripping it off.
/qa/, however, now that's the real good shit.

you are arulson. you only changed your name, we all know it's you. same pictures and text, same attitude


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how do i find out who i am? sometimes i don't even know what part of me is real and what part is fake anymore. pretending to be someone else fucking broke me.

Consider these dubs checked


all you had to do was apologize to me instead of making this dumb thread on [s4s]

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you put yourself out in the real world and live life or sit alone for long periods of time analyzing yourself.
either way studying and training skills and body will make you better and stronger and therefore more respectable and likeable.
you can do this.

Alright buddy first you gotta learn to listen. The anons here have given you some solid advice and all you're doing here is brushing it off and insisting "im broken pls help." These guys are obviously trying their damndest to help.

The first step is learning to listen. I bet you fucked shit up because you didn't take the time to listen to whoever was involved's feelings and only cared about YOU not feeling lonely anymore. That's not how the world works. A relationship between 2 people, whether it's romantic or JUST FRIENDS, is a 2 way fucking street.

You've proven here that you cannot listen. Now you know what to work on and improve. Once you can say you're a good listener, come back and tell us if you still have the same problems.

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i am so sorry. there's so much more going on that you don't know about but i truly am sorry nonetheless. i wanted to apologize first thing tomorrow morning. i just tried to calm myself down somehow.

This. Damn.

i do feel like i sometimes can't listen to people. thank you for pointing it out. i'll try my best.


there, apology accepted
let's keep being friends

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thank you. sorry for making a big deal out of it. i'm just not in the best place right now. i promise to try better from now on.

No problem fren the only reason i know these things is because I've been there. It sucks realizing you are a piece of shit but continuing to be one is not the solution. We can all try be better and make things easier for those around us, which in turn can make things easier for us

it's easy to get lost in yourself, just try to be empathetic too, okay?

good luck!
everything will be okay

thank you to everyone who replied. i'll be going to sleep now. love you all for trying to help me.

I love you too. Anytime friend, glad to help.

and make sure you never forget the amazing advice nice anons have given you here

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you are a good person Neppy. he is lucky to have a friend like you.
good luck with your studies and career

post more animemes Neppy nepnep

thank you!

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lole I like when the anime is streaming on twitch

stop taking everything so seriously, and learn from your mistakes. messing up is how we grow and evolve; don't feel down when it happens, become good enough to conquer them next time they arise.

dubs confirm!
you said what we all said and that is cool.

you're welcome, friend. ilu