HOLY! SHIT! How is Xavier so based? What's his secret?

HOLY! SHIT! How is Xavier so based? What's his secret?

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masters degree in psychology

This dude always getting all the white pussy.

Xavier make a sex tape with her and “leak” it again


its really admirable he can still do it since everyone has seen his dick and it was small fo a black dude


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He's jacked and is somehow perceived as a charming guy by women despite being an annoying faggot

It's because Xavier is black, so white girls know that Xavier isn't just a geek. For white girls, that means to be in the "I'm just into reading science fiction and fantasy" category. And white girls know that Xavier has to be a white character.

A white, male character has to be a white superhero and a white male character does not need to be a white superhero.

The same thing is true of other non-white characters.

There should be zero discussion about whether or not an Asian American/POC character is appropriate. The issue shouldn't be who's Asian/POC (or even who is "Asian," "POC," or "African American," etc.) What the comic needs to address is that this trope is only about white men and nothing beyond. The thing is, people have been conditioned to see white guys as anything but.

I can't be the only one saying people need to stop making racial issues an issue. It's time we just stop using race as a means to determine who's entitled to a job. Why? Because it's just about time we realized it's not a racist issue. It's about having the right to be an autonomous human being.

Its because he hides his blackness around women

cool pasta bro

Definitely not a big dick.

my dick is bigger than his

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Who is that cum quaffer?

I'm bigger than him and I'm 5in.

Big E's face tho

god bbc turns me on

do these “men” not realize the bitch that resides in them?

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Charisma. That's the reason certain guys can bag whoever they want. Don't know why you guys seem to think everything has to do with the size of your dick or your skin. Especially when babydick CM Punk went through the entire mid 2000s divas roster.

These faggots watch so much BLACKED that it's corrupted their very core.

Who is that semen demon?

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And because he probably doesn't give much fucks about it, so it comes a lot easier.

Dana White

Vanna White

He pretends to be autistic kinda like big e pretending to be gay helps him sexually harass white people

Big E has tongued both Kaitlin and Dana's buttholes. What a fucking Chad

More like ABC
Delusion and female tier size guessing

>he knows punks dick size
Did you suck it or something?

it helps that he's in shape and has an affable personality in spite of 'muh dick' size

Women only care about money and dick size. He's fine because he's rich.

He's a sociopath.

He is, but he's a sociopath with Dana Brooke's big fucking internet breaking baps in his mouth.

I bet Steph gets soaking wet thinking about riding the New Day after chastity locked Paul preps each of them.

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Do you think her dad is proud of her?

Based Mandy climbing inside Giant Dana's cavernous cleavage.

big E's face really makes this.

Are Dana and him legit banging or is this just a meme?

No she’s dating a Turkish NBA player who clearly has a bigger cock than Xavier

They're not a couple but they've fucked, yes.

Fucked prime Paige, likely fucked Steph, fucked Thicc Mama Pump at her ripest. Completely based.

How the fuck would you know, she been dating a massive athlete since 2018, Big-E I’d buy it, but Xavier just slammed Paige because she really doesn’t value herself as much as she should.

my very average penis did fine with a female. so I am fine with it.

Most people have bigger dicks than Xavier

Wtf Seriously ??? that's actually impressive

True, Paige would fuck a dog if whoever is dating her asked, she’s dangerously subservient to her boyfriend, whatever he says she takes as the absolute infallible truth, on twitter recently she was strongly vouching for her bf on a twitter feud, public opinion was clearly against him, but she insisted, so much people started dunking on her.
Point being, she’d have fucked anyone Maddox told her to fuck, and Xavier was his only black friend willing to participate in his cuckold shit.

Hate this stupid nigger and his "Haha what! Dude, I'm not going for white women exclusively to piss off Whitey. I'm just a gamer! And I'm black! And I'm a gamer!"