Ding-dong diddly streamable.com
I wish i was that guy
God I wish that were me
Based Tama Tonga
how do I apply for that job?
shit tier boat feet
does this shit even do anything or is it just an excuse for this guy to touch women
womeme are easy to trick
That’s his brother Hikuleo, easy mistake
fínna take a whiff
Stretching is great especially for what wrestlers do hence why DDP Yoga is so successful. but this is just exaggerated bullshit gimmicks where people are fooled into believing this is a relaxing stimulating healthy thing that is doing more than it does. obviously the guy is acting like he knows more. Hes just taking her leg and moving it in weird ways but not hurting her or going into chiropractic territories. its a waste of time and money but hey man... women be shopping.
Reckon he snuck in a quick whiff?
This the same dude that stretched out Sasha the other day, right? Must be nice
>alarm goes off in the morning
>ding-dong diddly stretch some divas thighs
Thought that was Tanga Loa going by the thumbnail.
It's stretching. Don't you incel, shut-in, NEET Trumpcucks get on your knees for MUH WESTERN CIV? Stretching is centuries old, like yoga. I know you're an alpha centurion male who love to gaymer, but in sports where niggers make more in one day than you will in a lifetime they have little white Doctors to do this for them as well.
>Don't you incel, shut-in, NEET Trumpcucks get on your knees for MUH WESTERN CIV?
you're literally ai
Ya seethe? Ya hurt? Ya dilate? Ya cope? Ya onions?
Ya hurt?
Ya hurt?
Ya hurt?
Ya seethe?
Ya seethe?
Is she wearing nylons?