The Spikeman is evil and must be stopped.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is either 1) and edgy contrarian teenbro 2) The Spikeman in disguise.
The Spikeman is evil and must be stopped
ha ha so funni and not a yosho psyop
these are my own original thoughts
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
from my point of view, yosho is evil!
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Better not tell you now.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Reply hazy, try again
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
why would he do this?
Bad Luck
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
trips forget about phone
i wuz phone
still am
but wuz too
He is an extreme psychopath. He hates officers. He hates America.
This Spikeman isn't good and mustn't be started.
(very nice trips)
this event did not occur.
if you look closely you can see hints of image manipulation. this was done to further damage spikemans reputation and support yosho's evil goals.
this event did not occur!
Your fortune: Good Luck
t. denial
Hey hey
Ho ho
Has to go
You seem to have contracted an alien brain parasite a.k.a. "the Yosho".
This is fatal if not remedied post-haste. Please consult medical services immediately.
makes sense
what is a spikeman???
A sprite of Lavos from the Super Nintendo game Chrono Trigger
This is the spikeman's true form
Wait sorry this is it
wtf normally he looks so le small and le harmless. now im starting to understand why he must be le stopped
He ended the world in 1999
what if this is true
If you can define success as an achievable goal then it is not true, however if your idea of success is unattainable then it is true.