Fortune check thread

chek fortune ok

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: comfynice.png (317x359, 227K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bury bad luck but bury nice dubs

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: Nice-Dress.png (599x700, 69K)


Your fortune: Outlook good

404 on the date 404
good get

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

pls gib gud luk

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: podado.png (651x436, 47K)

thx 4 notice

Attached: 1551047115217.jpg (726x432, 75K)

: )

Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1552862785434.jpg (1137x640, 52K)

if i abel to tak all bd luck from other nceposters hre i glad do

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

this is the best news evre
i ate two foods for u

Excellent Luck

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

two same fortunes is pretty lesbian

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1464192269832 (1).jpg (300x300, 9K)


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: doge trannie.jpg (500x500, 65K)

godly luck or bust

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: 1550923808124.gif (420x544, 243K)

liek a goddamn egyptian mummy curse

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: 4198B068-A352-4BA2-9FE0-17706CF6C837.jpg (1018x655, 61K)

We don't have that problem in America because you're not allowed to kill yourself

Rolling lole

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: heh.jpg (281x283, 13K)

don't you dare say that about me and fbnp

Lesbian is pretty based

Your fortune: Godly Luck

please no fighting in my thread

it's funposting my dude now let's check some fortune

Your fortune: Godly Luck

i guess me and you are now lesbians
also forgot to check dubs

fortudne time!

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: Bury png face.png (600x583, 59K)

Rolling for my actual future

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Sweet! We are kawaii loli anines and eachothers gf! I am happy on this day!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck




Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン


newfigs cant spookyfortune

Your fortune: Better not tell you now


wow this is embarrassing

Your fortune: Good Luck

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1385090246679.png (324x327, 102K)

nice dubs

very imbressive

Your fortune: Excellent Luck


Your fortune: Good Luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

After the tremendous failure of it seems I have succeeded in isolating the formula

Attached: 1384804112278.png (276x234, 55K)

let me try

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Type "[ shadowfortune]" (without the space) at the end of your post to get a shadow fortune. Like this:

Your fortune: Good Luck

I failed badly

that's definitely not how it works and I don't trust you baka

prove it

ok, I have a hypothesis.
What if instead I type in shadowfortune into the options field.
If that works then I was right and you are a meanbean.

This does not exonerate you.

did it work

try it again but do it my way

ok, but this isn't because I trust you; it's just an ironic way to check your dubs. [shadowfortune]

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1385868967458.png (372x314, 6K)

Attached: JEWWY HAS WON.gif (500x500, 48K)

Nobody will ever check your dubs again.


listen to the end of this songe for you're answere ->


you could have the answer in less than 2 minutes and 44 (dubs) seconds

or I could start a loli thread on Yea Forums and post 4 images by medaka ken'ichi in the same amount of time.


Attached: 1493611683879.jpg (544x499, 42K)

liar liar pants on fire

b = it bad
its in the song it doesnt say specifically fortune because i misremembered but the action for blank post is the same as shadow fortune

nice dubs

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

b it bad but has loli so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

wow I go to sleep and wake up glad everyone enjoying thread :)

Your fortune: Good Luck