Was Jinder the lowest low a main championship has gotten?
People joke about the WHC being less prestigious tittle of the 2 but did the WHC ever had a champ that was a career jobber like the WWE title had?
Lowest point
this is coming from someone who only watches SOME ppvs and NJPW
i like Jinder he has the look and he comes off a really nice guy in interviews he SHOULD of been a face underdog fighting for respect
Jinder was officially a jobber when he won the title. Kofi has always been midcarder.
Not by a long shot brah. I legit wanted to see Jinder vs Brock
The Mahraja's reign was one of the best thing in WWE 2010s
If it wasn’t for his jobber status and subpar in ring skill, he would have been a better champion. Also the feuds with Randy and Shinsuke were too long.
He was a jobber when he won it, a jobber held the WWE title.
More entertaining champ than Seff Tarpins and its not even close
A month before winning the title Jinder was on Main Event, a month after losing it he was back there.
his title win literally made me quit wathcing wrestling after being a fan for 40+ years
wyatt is the lowest to me. jinder at least had a point.
Bray at least had a decent buildup with him and Orton (Luke unofficial) winning Survivor series by beating Roman and Seff. And then Bray beat Cena and AJ too.
Jinder was jobbing left and right around the time he won the title.
Kofi Kingston and it's not close
Jinder was based. they need to give him another run
Does this nibba have a tumor on his ass?
You retards think just because you lose a couple of matches a guy is a "Jobber" literally every wrestler is a Jobber then
That's not Kofi or Seth.
The great khali. I don't know about his career outside of wwe, but he had like 2 fucking moves during his run and only over with the poos
Poos are the ultimate e drones
Based WolfDimes with the facts getting cited in articles.
He was LITERALLY re-signed after the initial brand split to be a job guy. Now if you weren't aware of that, I would've thought the fact that he lost 95 percent of his matches as a little tip-off. Then again, you are a fucking retard so whatever.
Seethe Boilings and we are not even gonna discuss that