We will now begin the [s4s] 1st annual worst namefig competition

We will now begin the [s4s] 1st annual worst namefig competition.
Please post your nominee candidates in this ITT thread

Attached: 1486669202223.jpg (392x392, 29K)

Triangles by far, this isn't even a contest

bullyign is nod coole
leds maek id a pie eatign content insted

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.46.[640x480].[73327D09].v2.mkv_snapshot_00.04_[2017.08.19_08.45.39].jpg (640x480, 209K)

Doremiposter or Triangles



There are a couple /pol/ niggers here masquerading as namefigs, so I nominate them

Your fortune: Bad Luck


(dubs! wooh!)
i wanna eat
(slowlely breaths in... i taek my tiem)
pumpkin pie

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.07.[640x480].[8A67C5DB].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.20_[2017.07.11_16.07.52].png (640x480, 460K)

Attached: 20190204_235657.png (311x301, 133K)

How am I not possibly in here? Welp that's going to change, I nominate myself (Toblerum) as worst namefig

Who the fuck even are you, kike? Recede back to /soc/

/soc/ is for selfiefags, I'm just a normal faggot

doremifaggot is by far the worst

>didn’t even check dubs


Mean >_

Attached: 3FEB69E5-9E6F-41E5-B7DB-B0B95488D39F.jpg (1000x563, 39K)

Suess. No doubt about it.

Attached: girl.jpg (960x1280, 581K)

Saeed West

Attached: IMG_0263.jpg (220x158, 77K)

New Namefig X5000
Dandy (if he's still around)
Saeed (not a namefig tho)
Last but not least: jevin

this is now a best namefig competition and i nominate jevin because everyone loves jevin

rare dubs

Forgot nodoka lol

(dubs! wooh)
bullet in da head throw dem in da shed

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.39_[2017.07.10_12.28.48].png (400x480, 180K)

probably doremi


Attached: GO GO GO.webm (640x480, 996K)

no i don't mind you i mean saeed


but dats me im da gutsybird (follow me on twitter)

Attached: Mo_tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 17 - In'nen no Rival!! Harukaze to Tamaki [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][0D (960x720, 344K)

the list of schizoposters/retardposters

(dubs! wooh!)
(dubs! wooh!)
ids rly imports tto b nice
we shud lole try tto b nice tto eachudder insted ob loleways tryign tto put ourslelbes dowm. ids coole tto b nice ids nice tto b coole ull feel goode n da peoplel ull nice tto feel goode n ull hab fun n eat nice food n thinks wlell b nice bcuz life.... (breaths in) is happy n nice! pls try tto b nice u dond hab tto wait untlel u lrn id da hard way... or.... or heaben forbid... neber lrn id n somethink bade happens bcuz ob r*de... liek beign supper depress'd n angery at da nice peoplel u love... u dond hab tto push ebery1 away u cam b nice n hab fun n eat nice food

Attached: hana chan is precious.webm (640x480, 130K)

okae. sowwy doremi fren

vvvvggvvvggvhhgghhhgghh.... mngjhhmmmhhmmkkmkmm....ghgfhgcggbj^^^%$ghhjmmjnmm.....qweecdghggghkopjqxde...........mmmm...........hhhmmmmczadfffff..... *gets up*............^%^,@+%^.........(gos back tto sleepe).....nvvcsssawwww........vvggn.....pshweew....hh......broom broom bbfrerrooom.....beepbeep... mjjjjmmm...........fgyghhrdghh...........

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第35話「四級試験はのろろろろ~?」(DVD 64 (640x480, 110K)

ids ok!!! dats ok!!!!1 ids ok!!!!!! DATS OK!!!!! (starts dancign) IDS OK!!!!! DATS OK!!!!!! IDS OK!!!! DATS OK!!!!!!

Attached: onpudance2.webm (960x720, 889K)


dubs! wooh!!!!

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)





why is everyone nominating the two funniest and nicest namefigs as the worst namefigs

because they think their names are dumb even thouhg even that is false

Your fortune: Bad Luck

ripa, by far.

your mom is false

this is one of the faggots that should go back to

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

there's only one or two good posters on this board anymore
if you just use this board to circlejerk about anime or your real life or your sexual desires or any number of mundane topics instead of using s4s to be creative or interesting then you are not a good poster.

thanks for the compliment love you bby

This isn't the first annual or the first. These threads are made all the fugging time.

I am nominating You fore being a humongous fignewton Anonymous.

who are the funniest namefigs?

I hate that faggot!

Attached: 5D1F34FC-A9B2-4D5F-B1B5-0803C82BDBA6.png (500x618, 128K)

whoever they think is funny
you probably have a different sense of comedy

quality poster

Attached: eatster.png (813x489, 109K)

i don't think anyone actually hates anyone on here... we just pretend to hate the ones we dislike but in reality, if these people we claim to hate left it's not as if we'd celibrate or anything...
for example, remember oro? everyone was like "i hate you, schizoposter reeee" but noone even mentioned his existence when he left (or turned off his name)
i also see people hate on ripa, yet when she's gone everybody is crying but when she returned they started hating on her again
my hate towards doremi for example is just a distaste towards the show and annoyance (or however that's spelled) towards his definition of funposting
but i don't think he cares about the hate because if he did, he should say something about it (with real words)
like i already told jevin, i don't unironically hate on posters here
i do however find it annoying when people circlejerk because this is not social media but a dank meme/shitpost board
that being said, every namefig here is a faggot... but so are the anons, so that justifies it!

hate is a strong word

my point being

yeah the circlejerking is the only that putts me off this board

Your fortune: Outlook good


Do you mean people discussing things, or actual circlejerking I only see in ripper threads?

There is a huge difference. I don't see circlejerks anywhere else, but maybe I am missing something?

the circlejerking on this board is a form of shitposting if you think about it, just with a sour taste
also dublels

i mean actual circlejerking..
i admit, it's not as bad as it used to be now that suebi is gone..
but sometimes there's still that one discord group and ofcourse the ripa threads (which i confess to post in when i'm bored)

i see.
try to be an example of what maymay culture is.
later, thanks for responding

see ya later alligator


G8H8r is ebil ;____; (because he is not vegan)

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