Me on the left

me on the left

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but what if brap

Dubs! Nice I am going to check these bad boys!


big sniffy?


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girls in my lab all smell nice

what is she doing?

obvously attempting to find an appropriatel place to plant her braps

brap dubs

If I find out that my son was torturing a dog for no reason I'd be disappointed because there are so many good reasons to be angry at dogs

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You think I avoid dogs when I'm playing video games just because they're always optional enemies?

Think again

the fuck did you just say

ignore schizoposters

I'm pretty hungover from all that fucking

yeah, ignore animal abuse, ok.

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If you're so concerned about abuse why don't you get involved in politics and do something about the fact that the police and encourage parents to physically attacked their children as a form of discipline in Youngstown Ohio

>Le copypasta

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But muh sisters r legion mufuckr

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The best way to discipline a dog is to just leave it in a cage outside for the first few years of its life after it proves itself as not worthy of physical affection like my neighbor did

The only thing I would involve myself with from Ohio is the dog you abused, sicko

Please don't say things like that or else I'm going to have to leave

I believe that and then Generations from now when you're great great great grand son is overwhelmed by darkness and conflicted by feelings of sadism leading him to abuse a dog you won't even bother the dust off your shoes about it will you

Or you would save the dog? Such a hero

Here's what true courage looks like

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I pray that this image stays with you for the rest of your life which will be the amount of time that dog will be suffering due to the abuse that it endured in the hospital

well I would be dead by then so I guess not. Hopefully I taught my son well enough that he can raise his son and so forth. Hopefully with the right guidance my descendants wouldn't resort to abusing defenseless animals.

But I'm sure that dog will get all sorts of physical affection from intellectually unavailable strangers

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true courage would be giving your friend an escape from the pain

>Hopefully I taught my son well enough that he can raise his son and so forth
You have to be at least 18 years old to legally post herr

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What if he tortured a dog?

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well you're right about one thing, that image will definitely stay with me. I'm going to pet that dog with my imagination.

Why do you think that's not possible?
I was referring to the dog.......

What if that causes the spirit of an actual dog discomfort?

So was i. What if a dog tortured another dog?
My dog was raped repeatedly while he was at Angels for Animals because he acted aggressively towards the staff

So they put him in with the other aggressive dogs and he was just raped over and over and over again for 2 weeks

Oops so much for caring about animal rights or standing up against animal abuse

Obviously the dog shouldn't be held accountable because dogs are of a lower spiritual grade and moral capacity so they can't possibly understand what they're doing in any moral circumstance


le image le dubs

Of course the law in my state stipulates the same about children so therefore parents are actually recommended to physically attack their children as a form of discipline so I guess what I'm really asking is what do you really consider torture compared to just raising and training a dog properly?

Do you know enough about dogs to say that violence and isolation doesn't have a positive effect on them?

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well it's my imagination so I would just imagine that he wasn't :P
it's a dog eat dog world. So if my friend needed help I would give it to them, regardless of their situation or their guilt.

Cuz I don't know about your dog but my dog is extremely well-behaved


So you're saying that even in your boundless imagination where you control reality dogs are still inferior creatures incapable and undeserving of respect that you would typically give to a human

Sorry I can't hear you because of the Cloister

what was your dog doing their in the first place? Did he escape? Why would he run away?
>dogs are still inferior creatures
>incapable and undeserving of respect that you would typically give to a human

oh fuuuuuck guess it's time to log off for a bit. I'm going to go to mcdonalds does anyone want anything?


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that feel when catfish lets ripa rub her vulva on his head

does it turn you on?
you want to watch him having sex with women?
are you a cuck?


Are you seriously trying to put the blame for my dog's sexual torture on to my shoulders right now??

Wow maybe you do belong here

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He's agreed to raise my son for me.

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I am back. I wanted you to know that the window lady dropped my coins and I had to reach out of the car and pick them up. I was going to ask them for an apple pie as compensation for the embarrassment but I didn't.

i'm sorry duder that sounds a rough :C hope your maca was good anyway

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