>NJPW has an opportunity to sign Omega long-term when he becomes a breakout star in 2017
>They sign him for one year
>NJPW has an opportunity to sign Omega long-term again when he's an even bigger star in 2018
>They sign him for one year
>NJPW has yet another opportunity to sign Omega long-term when he's at the height of his popularity in 2019 and it's well known that two other companies are willing to offer big money and long term security to him.
>They make the worst offer of the three.
>Omega takes the better offer, but makes sure it's in his contract that he can continue to work NJPW whenever he wants.
>NJPW refuses to use him, refuses to even acknowledge him or AEW, at all.
How exactly is Omega the bad guy, here?
NJPW has an opportunity to sign Omega long-term when he becomes a breakout star in 2017
Because he's a clown that exposes the business,just like the Bucks.
Back to doing comedy he goes.
He isn't, Japs are just robotic fucks who expect unquestioning devotion from employees.
He’s a noodle haired faggot and reddit incarnate that’s how.
>refuses to even acknowledge him or AEW
They acknowledge him all the fucking time.
Kelly loosened up on this a little bit in the G1, but in Dominion there was this extremely cringey bit where they pretended Jericho had never used that stupid elbow before. It was embarrassing.
>kenny constantly talking about how he's not in it for the money and how he stays with japan because he loves japan
>suddenly he gets all pissy about his pay and leaves
Neither one is the bad guy. New Japan basically told the entire Elite to go kick rocks because they realized they could keep expanding without their cringe bullshit. Good showings in the G1, Wrestle Kingdom and Dominion from Kenny isn't worth the rest of the bullshit. The dogshit that AEW has put out so far only proves their point.
Except Kenny showed, repeatedly, that it wasn't about the money to him by continuing to stay with NJPW well after WWE was offering him big money. And at the end of the day, he probably turned down more money from WWE to go to AEW.
Term and money are different things.
Then they could just use Kenny at the Dome, Dominion and G1. He has it in his contract that that is an option. They could just use him as a special attraction to do stuff like, say, help out a show in the US that just got destroyed by Visa Issues, or help out a G1 show in Dallas that's in a big arena or help sell out two days running the Tokyo Dome and they're not doing any of those things. They don't have to book all of the Elite to just book Kenny, but they're choosing to not do it anyway.
Kenny is a goals person. He reached is goal which was the IWGP HWQ and the main event of the Tokyo Dome. He did the same with DDT. He peaked and then moved on.
The only reason they were expanding is because they had foreign draws. Now that they don’t, they’re only running bingo halls and can’t even fill medium sized arenas.
AEW would not let Mox wrestle in the states for NJPW. I doubt they'd allow Kenny
He's not but obviously NJPW didn't want him and Kenny marks shouldn't pretend otherwise. If he was really good business and a draw like they say he is then they would have made a little effort to keep him.
How are they "refusing to use him"? Have they even had a notable opportunity to use him? You think he was going to work Dominion or the G1?
Omega isn't the bad guy but NJPW aren't either. Their domestic business is still on the rise without him. He wasn't necessary.
>They could just use him as a special attraction to do stuff like, say, help out a show in the US that just got destroyed by Visa Issues, or help out a G1 show in Dallas that's in a big arena or help sell out two days running the Tokyo Dome and they're not doing any of those things.
He left a matter of months ago. He is likely preoccupied with working with affiliated companies, who's to say he even can?
Also, AEW disallowed Moxley. They wouldn't get Kenny in the US
Also also, your examples are shit because Kenny wouldn't help G1 Dallas that much. The show was poorly marketed. And Tokyo Dome ticket sales are already moving faster for next year than the last, so they don't need his help there.
They're still expanding in Japan.
They thought Kenny's love of gookland and Ibushi would be enough to make him stay
Kenny was still under contract for those New Beginning shows that got fucked by Visa. They could've used him for those. Also, Moxley already said AEW didn't prevent him from showing up in Dallas. I don't have the exact link on me right now but he had a scheduling conflict or something.
Bro I got news for you, Omega wasn't gonna fill an arena in Dallas for G1 night 1 either. They took the L on the optics bc Mark Cuban runs their show on AXS and owns the arena. They paid $0 to rent it out and made bank.
>How exactly is Omega the bad guy, here?
because Omega was a gaijin no dimes comedy act wrestling dolls and kids, but NJPW invested in him and thought he could be more if he worked at it. Why do you marks act like the wins he got and the stardom he got was not generated by the fucking booking he received? How fucking delusional are you? He worked and he got rewarded. But they saw their roster getting filled with his gaijin yard tard faggot friends and they werent about to bury their whole roster for an off shoot of a stable that they trademarked to begin with. NJPW showed loyalty to Omgetty, and he didnt show it back by signing with his faggot friends. Of all people this faggot should know that loyalty and respect are more than just lip service in the land of the silky kimonos. Boing
I hope you're trolling. The only foreign draw they lost is Omega. They still have the top two UK wrestlers and plenty of other gaijin. Still packed MSG for G1 Supercard in the spring without Omega. The wheel keeps turning.
>They took the L on the optics bc Mark Cuban runs their show on AXS and owns the arena. They paid $0 to rent it out and made bank.
Just for the record, I'm not disputing this in the least. It's absolutely fine that NJPW took a building for low or free rent and the optics kinda sucked as a result. The 5,000 ticket house was pretty good too, for the situation they were in.
I'm just saying, if they'd used Omega for that, they probably would've sold more tickets. He probably wasn't gonna work the whole G1, but they could've still done a special tag or special singles match. Omega vs. Liger? Fuck, I dunno, it was worth considering at least.
The Japanese commentary in DOMINION stated that Jericho defeated Omega with that elbow
Kenny only signed 1 year contracts.
They probably would've sold out MSG anyway, but they sold those tickets when Omega was champion and the Bucks and Cody were still in RoH.
Also, Omega showing up on the champion roll literally got a bigger pop than anything RoH did the entire night. So it's probably fair to assume he sold at least a few of those tickets.
Wow. That makes Callis pretending he'd never used it even cringier than it already was.
>I'm just saying, if they'd used Omega for that, they probably would've sold more tickets
No doubt. But there's no reason to believe he was even available. I'm sure he's been working his ass off outside the ring for AEW all summer.
Kenny fucking sucks this year.
>implying just the possibility of the bucks and cody rhodes was enough to fill msg
Nigga fuck you Kenny vs. Tana is MotY.
I mean not for me or you, but RoH was doing their best business ever with those guys and now that they're gone, they're fucking dead in the water. My point was more about Omega anyway.
A bigger pop for anyone not named PCO
And don't you fucking forget it
I don't really wanna give RoH credit for PCO being based, but you're right.
>RoH was doing their best business ever with those guys
Is this true desu?
fuck off, this is a comfy thread
NJPW usually wants guys that wrestle more than 4 times a year
I'm relatively sure? Supercard 2018 (the one with Omega vs. Cody) was their biggest gate until then, I think and then obviously MSG is their biggest gate ever. Even if it wasn't their best business, they were growing with those guys and now that it's The Matt Taven Company, they're dead.
Imagine being this brainlet
Considering overall NJPW attendance and WORLD subs have actually increased this year its not really a bad thing that they dropped one of their biggest contracts. NJPWs profit margin is still pretty slim, they dont have a whole lot of room to move if they want to increase a few guys' contracts outside of Okada, Naito and Tanahashi.
I think they only offer 1 year contracts for most of the roster apart from Okada. The ass can fall out of their business at any time and they don't want to be on the hook for long term deals for a bunch of stars one neck bump away from death.
Why is it Gospel truth that Kenny Omega took 1 year contracts because he was only offered that, not because he could play ball every year and bitch around?
Three reasons:
1) AEW is directly competing with NJPW's target audience in the US at a time when NJPW is trying to expand in the US. It'd be like if someone from NJPW jumped to AJPW or vice versa in the 90s. This is especially a slap in the face because of how much support NJPW and ROH gave the Elite when they were doing their first show.
2) Playing everyone until the last minute instead of just making his intentions clear from the start. Plenty of people have left NJPW on good terms because they do so professionally. Instead he jerked around the company so they had to hot potato the belt and give White a run he wasn't ready for. Hell, they probably would've been fine with AEW as a whole had the Elite been open to them about their plans from the beginning and tried to work with them instead of wanting to do things their way and their way only like a bunch of self-marks.
3) While we're on the subject, constantly trying to force his own stupid bullshit instead of actually being a reasonable character. Like holy shit, we get it, you like video games, but I'd fucking kick his ass out the door too after that stupid Undertale shit at the fucking main event of the biggest show of the year, fuck off with that crap.
Omega isn't. A good comparison is the garden of Eden, Kenny is Eve, NJPW is Adam, and the bucks and CAWdy are the faggot snake that make Eve sign with a travelling t-shirt sales company
Omega's theoretical (emphasis on theoretical) value was in the Western expansion, but the existence of AEW devalues his worth to NJPW significantly, I don't blame them paying him massive amounts more when his series with Okada is going to be his peak.
>Omega's theoretical (emphasis on theoretical) value was in the Western expansion,
They didn't put the belt on him because he was only good for business in another continent. He moved tickets in Japan, consistently. And the fact that NJPW is basically turning its nose up at Omega/Ibushi, a guaranteed big money match in Japan, is stupid.
He needed New Japan more than they needed him.
the only rational person in this thread.
marketing for Dallas was fine. They didn't have any notable draws for Western fans. Obviously Nujapanlets and weebs will go for Tana, Okada, etc., but how do you get the rest of the audience to attend that show? The answer is not by doing what Harold did.
MSG sold out because it was on WM weekend and WM was nearby.
He’s not. Typical old Japanese men that expect their employees to grovel like dogs and thank them for table scraps, even more so if they are gaijin, which in their mind should be happy to with being treated as somewhat more competent than a wild dog.
Because he is a fucking cuck
NJPW always understood cuck as the sound that ducks made, it was only until recntly that they finally learned the meaning of the word and made sure to stop any kind of interactions with Omega.
hi kenny
from my understanding Kenny would only do 1 year deals (i think dave talked about it) Same reason his All Japan run was only 1 year