I have been banned from /bant/ fren

I have been banned from /bant/ fren.

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Okay son, you can crash here for a while. Just remember this is NOT Yea Forums and every post made here is a carefully calculated maneuver to further a very specific agenda.

Attached: me or my suitcase.png (645x647, 500K)

thanks for the advice dad

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Be decent, treat others nicely and you will be just fine.

Why are you accusing me of being from Yea Forums when I'm not fren?

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im sorrye fren
i hoep u hab a nice tiem here. sorrye ebery1 seems tto b so on-edgys 2daye

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第05話「涙を知るひと ぽっぷとハナのない (640x480, 177K)

probably because of the fact you were banned in the first place in the first row in the first post

Stupid frogposter

how'd you manage to do that? it's a no topic red board.

Don't make me turn into a bad visitor fren!

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I was posting a lewd pictures of my waifu fren

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dubs confirm! wooh!
whos ur wife?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 184K)

This cutie fren

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dubs! wooh!
oh my g*d dats sso fittign LOLE
rly nice wife fren i hoep da both ob u r rly happye...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第22話「魔法使いのワナ 帰ってきたオヤジーデ!」(DV (640x480, 460K)

You're fine fren, tgey are just testing you, they should try and be nice too.

so banned for loli?

Your fortune: Good Luck

Cute dubs!

Janny is just a faggot who don't like frog pussy fren!

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your from the uk?


i just checked all your posts on nyafuu archive seems like your a certified shitposter mate marmite am a' roight?

Class A war criminal shitposter so yeah m8

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i don't usually come on s4s most of the time i'm on mlp or k so i'm lucky i saw this thread

i only post with this name if i'm on pol or s4s



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we've always been s4s's fren :^)

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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I hope you like it :^)

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