In Romania, Vlad is a very common name for males. I was wondering how many Americans are named Vlad and what would happen if someone named their kid like that...
In Romania, Vlad is a very common name for males...
Do you know how big America is?
no do you?
Here is a size comparison. between Romania and North America
It's maybe half the size of Mexico considering that Mexico is completely flat because it's all desert
Oh you said America not North America oh sorry that's my mistake
Apparently in Romania if you name your child the wrong name he'll be ostracized from society and targeted and abused for his entire life and his teachers and school will permit the students to do so
That's because it's a second world country that doesn't have a legitimate legal system in place yet
Just like Ohio
But the difference is that Romania is a sovereign country wheras Ohio is merely a state within a larger country so Romania had the power to commit war crimes and then to cover up those crimes
Whereas in Ohio it was merely Mafia groups and organized crime syndicates
never forget 1989
However in Europe the entire country is corrupt
The point being that a country cannot be held accountable for the crime of a man but a man can certainly be held accountable for the crimes of his country
What would you do if your neighbor's installed a bright flood light pointed straight at your bedroom window and whenever you glanced out the window it caused you terrible migraines
Or better yet what would you do if your neighbor, who is a former politician, lied to the police about you?
You would die :^)
What if your neighbors told the police that you threatened to kill their baby?
And they took you straight to the hospital
?dat p2
You're getting worse
You see that right?
vlad dracula is from romania
cool thread why don't you guys just suck each other off on discord though?
It's like when I'm playing sakiro and I battle the same enemy over and over again but each time I make a little bit more progress and though I lose again and again I'm improving my technique whereas the guardian ape is still simply trying to drain my health
It's so clear that your very Soul has stagnated
But you're one of those posters who pretends to be good and right
My chat room is always open
I do not have a le discord!!! I still use skype... :(
I guess maybe it's just too much work for you to realize your place in life so it's just easier to think of yourself as royalty
And then you'll end up like Magick, with a karmic dept spiraling out of control
More like le desole
I'm the reigning champion of nigger dicks
What's going on in this itt thread
You have no idea
Hey man you ever take a shit?
Thanks for reminding me to go.
brb lole
Your fortune: Outlook good
It's important to shit when you feel the urge. This is also true for urination. Also, remember to stay hydrated.
Ok, see you tomorrow :^)
Not if I see you first🦈
Or were you just planning to stay for the day?
How about that you are too much of a coward to come and speak to me in my chat room you come see me anytime coward
Thats what i thought
is this guy actually getting aggressive about having a literal unironic chatroom outside of s4s that he uses
Already dead.
i want to see what you trying to be threatening actually looks like lol
Why don't you ask my neighbors
Why would someone need to threaten you?
Are you a criminal?
Hit or miss, i bet they never miss, huh?
Is it nice being a woman?
It's a great excuse to be a coward everyday of your life
I don't know, I've been a male my whole life
I call menstrual blood "retard juice"
you picked the wrong board fool
Ok schizo
we should definitely exchange email addresses
Yeah right pussy
You already have mine, I will await yours with bated breath
You really like that picture huh🌈