Given your shoot height and personality, stylistically what type of wrestler would you be?

I’m a total manlet so I’d roid the fuck out like Benoit and be super stiff like Ishii.

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A 6 foot 205 skinnyfat american yano. Only way I will be able to make it there with the wolves.

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A young Fale.

You tell me.

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same... manlet tier so i'd have to go the benoit ishii combo route also. tho benoit would stiff the fuck outta people so he wasnt a joke either. i'd also have a few moves that revolve around working the legs and keeping the guy off his feets. finisher leg submission of some type

Ryota Hama

I'm 5'11 so give me some lifts and I can be the big show of aew

Rent free

5'6 spic, I ripoff Valiente but deliberately miss my topes in the most gruesome way and no sell it.
Also Valiente vs Ishii never.

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yeah good job on not getting stiff down there when it matters idiot

I'm an irritable, stubborn wigger so I'd just be pimpslapping fools and cutting promos on how I'm gonna bust in everybody's wives. I'm 6'3" for a shoot so I'd be a perfect bully heel.

5 foot 6 and 10 stone. I'm working manager for two roid monsters.

I'm legit 5'4 kek
And I don't want to expose the biz so I wouldn't become a wrestler (or at least not full time), so I would like to be a manager, I can make people look good
But if I had to choose a style, I would go with shoot/technical/grappling/whatever you want to call it.

6'2" and a cold, stiff personality
Basically Benoit but not a manlet

I'm 5'5 and 165, so need to go back and convert that newly formed fat into muscle.

I was in the Army as a Captain so I envision myself as a shit-talking manager to two brutes, all of us dressed vaguely like Rhodesian commandos with military berets.

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>you now realize that you share the board with manlet shitters.
Gain Height

I'd be a hoss squashing all vanila midgets

6'5", 254 pounds, so they'd probably bill me at 6'8" 290. I'd probably have a Sid-like moveset.

>lanklet seething because he can't gain muscle

Post shins

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180cm. Shoot style heel like Suzuki.

I'm 5'8 with a twink physique.
I'm gonna slap my thigh after every move to work nearly everyone on this board.