Only 2 hours remain til g+ is gone from existence i

only 2 hours remain til g+ is gone from existence i

Attached: end of an era.jpg (494x483, 36K)

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i neber rly got g+... oh wlell! mot wont dissapoint us wid da stadia

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第28話「おばあちゃんズにはかなわない!� (640x480, 161K)

can we keep this for s4s

sure fren s4s can keep tihs image

Who rly used g+ lmao

lots of people fren

if heads g+ comes back to lifeCoin Flip: Tails

dubs and oh no

top kek

three sets of two of the same numeralsCoin Flip: Heads

I missed most of day, what was G+😃

g+ is socail media site most notably known for being able to post pretty much whatever you wanted with out getting censored with out the exception of porn g+ is also a very tight knit commnity with inside jokes it also had probbaly the nicest layout ive ever seen a social media do and i haven't seen anything like it since the only thing closet to the layout would be mewe but they are just copying g+ if im going to compare to what g+ is like the closet id say the user base and how it felt like is just like s4s with the jokes well known posters and just the general chaotic good shitposting alot of great
jokes were made and in fact a decent chunk of g+ users also use Yea Forums

this is so sad
goodbye g+

Sorry for your loss friend...❤️

you're nice fren😃


thank you fren

and thank you i apreicate that very much

so news but g+ is going to have a slow death where they are going to remove features slowly over who knows when but its very soon like the site still isnt down yet but idk how long its gonna stay up it was suppose to shut down at 00:00am west coast time

I'm gonna post some g+ gems here for now it's still up but it's like watching a wounded animal slowly die like you know its gonna happen but ya dont know when

Attached: Screenshot_20190402-003052_Google+.jpg (1080x1062, 413K)

guess it is googleplus, I thought it might not be that

I care. that is awful friend : (🙁

I know it is pretty awful a good site is going away

Attached: Screenshot_20190402-041402_Google+.jpg (1080x1421, 183K)

it will be alright friend
i hope you find something to replace it💜

thnx fren

for now mewew discord and Yea Forums are the best alternatives for me rn

good choices.
i hope you are well and i hope to see you again

ill keep s4s updated on g+ when i wake but for now im sleepy and im going to nap



can confirm. met an e-girl who im happily still with today and the inside jokes like "who gives a shit" were the best. i remember once tracing an ip of their tranny overlord there and she had a mental meltdown and i became a g+ villain for the night. it was easily the most fun i had online. it was a gud time and now its gone and i wanna cry, user.

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yee jus u lmao

G+ is officailly dead now frens

How verified???

i think it was the perks system

no but how do i do it what do i type in my otions box?????????????????

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again


Attached: brk.jpg (551x505, 73K)

dubs. that was my post and i only typed verified in the options box.

Testing it for you.

dubs and they ended the perks today no longer april first fren

so true😃

Trips confirm along with my test post

congrats on the lucky trips fren



checkin these✔️