Uh oh

Uh oh

Attached: feminist superpowers.png (1393x787, 1.28M)

How do you assist a Brogue Kick?

The other women are there to verify a kick never happened and it was the other wrestler who attempted to do harm

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I want to fuck Anita

Lol I just remembered Lena Dunham was in once upon a time in Hollywood. That was retarded

this gimmick would actually be dimes

>tfw I fapped to that Any Schumer movie where her titty popped out

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why was that retarded

Two of them hold my legs open while Anita Sheesharian brogue kicks me in the balls

Attached: 99F5736E-403C-453F-9900-120A91952799.jpg (418x600, 61K)

Absolutely basedola



It took me out of the movie seeing a random wine aunt walk into frame


legitimately based

Is this a custom team or dlc? Also what vidya game?

WWE 2K19 DLC, they have a femdomchad on staff

>strong unit of three big girls (for you)
>talk fake shit about feminism and “body positivity”
>mostly just jump people, including male jobbers
>trigger the rightcucks by winning, trigger the leftcucks by being heels

Lena's finisher should be called Molest My Little Sister

literally whomst

it's 2K19 create mode, the face morphing is only hard if you can't find a good picture (straight on, expressionless). Celebrities and athletes are easy

>>trigger the leftcucks by being heels

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What's the point of a hell if you can't boo them.

Is brie Larson going to join this faction soon?

At a combined weight of 5 semi trucks....

Who the fuck is Lena Dunham?

America: the woman.

ok incel

Hoe mad


>Combined weight: 1000

Isn't Anita pretty petite, actually?

Attached: Anita-Sarkeesian-Feet-3639257.jpg (1080x1080, 85K)

debuting on raw next week

Strongfat lena dunham has me feeling some kind of way desu


based and dimespilled

Is 2K19 any good?

Attached: 2k19.jpg (460x215, 68K)

Schumers finisher is a banzai drop

Best one since 2k took over, but that’s not saying much

It had a bunch of stuff gated behind loot boxes, so that makes it an automatic disqualification for me.

Actually yes, just a lot of the modes are lame (showcase, online, that road to glory thing)

Actually it’s a torture rack

I don't know, but I think she raped her sister lol.