i am a bit upset i dont like a like system it makes me fill more judged and weird idontlikeit
I am a bit upset i dont like a like system it makes me fill more judged and weird idontlikeit
lole i just realised its first of april nice joke Yea Forums clever guys
Do you really think the Yea Forums team would spend all this time programming a complex "Like!" system just to make it an April fools joke?
We Reddit Now
le real joke is that le system is here to le stay
please unlike these bullies
Upvoted this post to the top of reddit
How does this work?
Same here but that's because I don't get many likes🐸
whoh nice tripse
(nice trips)
dont worry ill like your post ripa
liked you are epic trips fren
if head i get a liekCoin Flip: Heads
teh flob has decided
ples gibon lieks
i certainly hope so🙁
gibe dikku pikku slut
source on that anananime
I like you user :^)