I heard from a bird that the only reason Jake The Snake Roberts was asked to make an appearance in 2014 was so everyone...

I heard from a bird that the only reason Jake The Snake Roberts was asked to make an appearance in 2014 was so everyone from the McMahons to the main eventers to the midcard to the lowcard jobbers and all the personnel could watch the drunken old knob go out there confident and cockily expecting a huge pop only to be shot down by reality: nobody knows who the fuck he is and the old wrestling fans don't want to remember. It's said that the laughter from the back was in fact the ONLY thing that could be heard when Jake made his awkward embarrassing walk to the ring. A rogue producer tried to get word to Jake half way through the segment to just leave, that it would be less humiliating than seeing it through.

Dean Ambrose couldn't contain his laughter when he looked up and saw Jake on the verge of tears. When the cameras turned off Jake hobbled to the back, forgetting Damien in the ring. Dean got on the mic and asked "who the fuck was that?" which got a pop and got the crowd to chant "who are you?" repeatedly at jake just as he went to the back. The wrestlers in the ring took turns throwing Damien in the air and round house kicking it. They eventually through him into the crowd where they crowd surfed him all the way around the arena and into a trash cash. Jake was later seen digging through the trashcan, yelling obscenities at the snake, and also looking for something for the both of them to eat.

Attached: 1200px-Jake_Roberts_2017.jpg (1200x1682, 338K)

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>tfw the award winning film The Wrestler was based on based Jake's life and he didn't get any royalty checks.

Attached: Jake+Snake+Roberts+Brandy+Grace+Sundance+Film+vIJxL6UkXaKl.jpg (400x600, 52K)

Yeah because that's how royalties work.

Vince promised Jake an induction into the international piss chugging hall of female

Trust me OP is due for a DDT

damn good promo
you might make it here with the wolves kid

stfu trip shit poster and remove your trip you sad pathetic desperately craves attention queer

huh???? how abot no
this name is what maje
me popular on this dhitt fucking boa
bow fuck ofof aor get your own gimmick if toun nwa nt to
namke it here with wiht thewlv nevesk id

kek trip shit queer cant even type in english. what language was that? retard? jibberish? low-iq-queer?

go back

>a trash cash

Randy the Ram is unironically a bigger draw

epic, and me

Randy the Ram was based on Greg Valentine tbqhwy.

I miss jake poster because he was based and you are awful. go back to writing fan fiction on your 0 follower blog

He was based on a number of wrestlers. His body was Lex Luger

fuck that old white boomer racist

based amdn not me

not me

Get a room funboys!

fuck you

Reddit faggot bonce ronce the cornew


Attached: 1554445517263.jpg (378x851, 76K)

None of that sounds true and deab laughed because CM punk told him the snake pooped on him