Peyton got married

Attached: 2019-08-26 19.21.17 2119311936982940014_52085964.mp4_snapshot_00.02.788.jpg (720x1280, 257K)

God I wish I was a cute girl

She posted this messaged indicating she does not want photos of the ceremony posted.

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From what I heard, it was a poor people's wedding. Which I imagine is true. Even just a wedding limo costs 250 hotdogs. I don't think le 10 man makes THAT much.


This isn’t just a celeb thing. Must people don’t want wedding pictures that haven’t being taken professionally posted. Why spend all that money on a professional photographer only for Aunty Loudmouth to post her shitty iPhone pics all over Facebook?

here is the video the OP image is from

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however, this IS Yea Forums, so...

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that's true, last wedding I was at we were asked to not take photos and just enjoy the event. Professional photographers were hired for that purpose.

Didnt this nigga get cucked with her getting gangbanged at that bachelorette party

Not a very diverse wedding


This guy is a CHUBBY sunglasses wearing FUCK but he's still HAVING SEX with the CUTIE next to HIM. What's your excuse?

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Why would somebody samefag over this?

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there's no fucking way this is Peyton's wedding. it's just not possible. Spears spends 10+ yrs in developmental, rent paid for, and he doesn't save ONE fucking dime???

Christ, Peyton's 2nd round of implants cost more than this set up. What a fucking joke!!!!!

>he took the time to screenshot

holy fucking worked AF

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where did you get that

Based schizo

According to The Podcast Peyton had to pay for the whole wedding, this included the ring.

BASED Aussie racists

worked without effort

Fucking faggots everywhere these days.

Why didnt Billie come out?

in my search for the wedding photos I discovered rare Alexa's. You win some you lose some.

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Looks like she's happy about having a ring and not so much that she's in love with the dude
>a man and woman are next to each other so they're fucking
Classic Yea Forums(nel)

maybe i should continue in the general

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Yeah you should you waifufag, have sex

An AEW guy got the hottest chick in the WWE on lock.

You just know WWE Corporate hates that all these Male AEW wreslters are banging their female talent.

But hey at least Seth got that potato head. Andrade got that Terodactyl dino looking chick. And whatever his name is dating that little Jew.

AEW chads are winning and not even trying.

>the hottest chick in wwe
kek good one

>Telling the only pics that draw dimes to this thread to go away

An AEW guy having a WWE female "on lock". Only betas like you think a ring mean a thing. That filthy whore is getting fucked six ways from Sunday. And don't get me started on Renee. You need proof of while the cats away the mice will play, just look at everyone from Sunny to Carmella. Wrestling whores are gonna whore.

Everybody does, it's really the best life next to being like a dog in a middle class white home.

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and yet peyton royce lose the tag team belt right when 10 man appeared on that AEW event

> paying thousands of dollars for one literal fucking day when this is supposed to be a sacrament between two people and God

go be a fucking good goy mark somewhere else.

Weddings should be a small event where your most trusted associates watch you take an oath with a fucking priest.

that's it.

nothing more.

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Funny how that happened.

But to be real, no team yet has done shit with those women's tag belts, they're just an accessory at this point. Either way, you know Billie has gotta be pissed. Peyton and Le 10 Man ruined their career. They ain't ever bouncing back from this especially with NXT (a roster FULL of women) becoming a true brand.

only if you live in the first world tho

>virgin beta giving advice on weddings
this is both the funniest and saddest shit I've ever heard in my life

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I'm married, you dumb faggot. We got hitched at a courthouse because we're not religious and thus there is literally no other reason for a ceremony.

You realise you're going to have provide evidence of this wildly unlikely claim now right?
Post a timestamped pic of the marriage license

> this guy so alone that he wants to see other people's marriage licenses.

the absolute state of your life, m8.

Honestly whos hotter? Sure, you could say Mandy, but thats just at face value.

Mandy is a 9.5/10 looks
Peyton is easily 8.95/10

But then comes the personality.

Mandy is 3/10 insta selfie whore
While Peyton is easily 9.5/10 awesome chick.

So over all yes, Peyton is the hottest chick in WWE.

Exactly my point. WWE is a cunt company. This is why they can't build stars and they are always rotating new flavors of the month in. Always trying to "see what works and what doesn't algorithm" just to keep their click bait Wreslting program going to please their corporate sponsers.

Its funny how WWE shilled out with the "Womens revolution". All that time and money. Now its falling apart because the AEW guys are fucking all the WWEs female talent and they cant Stand it.

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>this projecting faggot
Have sex you pathetic waifufag

That ain't a girl....

Even her tag partner is better looking than her, so is Mandy's. Peyton has a 6/10 face and that's with make-up on.

>projecting waifufag
>pathetic faggot

whoa calm down buddy. when you lump multiple people together thinking they're the same person and everyone's all out to get you... that isn't an US problem... that's a YOU problem.

trust me, nobody cares that you are poor and couldn't afford a wedding. but don't let your insecurities live in your own head, rent free. just some advice: the world isn't against you, cause the world doesn't give a fuck about you. kys.

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>UH OH Spaghetti Os!!!
Doing the Lord's work son. Nothing is better than rare Lexi's. Especially when they're controversial. But as Easy E says (pic related)

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>this reddit spacing
have sex

>literally working yourself in to a shoot
Now you look even more retarded, you virgin.

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Explain how your screenshot means shit to anyone? Dude, just take the "L" and leave.

learn how to greentext redditor

>super seething

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Imagine being this brain dead

>Imagine being this brain dead


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2 low card jobbers

Explains why their wedding pics looked so cheap.

Why is the driver's wheel on the right?


why wouldnt you want to be the guy FUCKING the cute girls?

If you're a pretty girl life is on easy mode

That tuck is incredible.

if you're making wishes you might as well wish to win the lotto then and be the dude fucking cute girls, only reason to wish to be a girl is if you're trans

It's not all easy. We're talking about upwards of 1:30-2 hours in order to maintain your look every day.

Anybody got those webm's of Peyton slutting it up in her bachelorette party?

Marriage is like a fucking virus, once one girl gets hitched then all her friends want to get married to. They're ultra competitive about it.

Luckily, you'll never have to worry about it.

mmmmmm a real badass keeps his eyes on the road at all

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Mmmm dont wanna mess with that projection

>Married as fuck
oh yeah you slay girl.............. I like the fatter one more anyway

Why does she have her wedding ring on her right hand?

Just a reminder
>Peyton wasn't Billie's maid of honor
>Billie wasn't Peyton's maid of honor.
Really kills their whole gimmick

It says they are in California, but hes driving on the wrong side of the car.

>Married AF
What makes it AF? They were already living together. Does it become AF because they signed a piece of paper and said some words to each other in front of people?

So does Peyton

It's a mirrored video, silly buns

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Billie got married before they moved to the US and became the IIconics. We don't know if Billie was Peyton's maid of honor or not, but usually that position goes to a person's lifelong BFF, which Billie is not that for Peyton.

>According to The Podcast Peyton had to pay for the whole wedding, this included the ring.

Spears is a true heel

He probably made more $ being a foot model

Now that's a pure strike!

More like ding-dong diddlyflex in that white puss, namean?

>all the incel seethe ITT
the only thing wrong with this marriage
is it's two white people
i hope they don't breed

Still ashamed that the photos of her getting BLACKED on her Vegas Bachelorette party were leaked.

Yeah, that was disgusting. Pey used to have a tongue ring too, bet she sucked a lot of black dick.

I wouldn’t put it past Vince to be a vindictive jerk, but I don’t think the IIconics losing their titles had anything to do with Spears appearing on AEW. Rumor has it that the IIconics were only meant to be transitional champions who would drop the belts to the returning Bella Twins. When Nikki had to retire because of injury, the IIconics were left holding the titles without creative having any idea what to do with them. The IIconics dropping the titles likely has more to do with Alexa Bliss convincing Vince that she could make them mean something, rather than Spears appearing on AEW. Besides, Spears appeared at DoN in May, and the IIconics held the titles until August.

Most WWE wrestlers in developmental earn less than comparable wrestlers in TNA. Vince dangles the promise of making big money on the main roster to underpay wrestlers while they are stuck in developmental. Considering that Peyton and Spears haven’t spent much time on the main roster, I wouldn’t be surprised if their finances are quite modest between them.

I wish you weren't wrong

How long we this marriage last 2-3 years tops?

I just want to know why she's marrying a no dime drawing absolute balding shitter like "the 10 man"

hey aew it's me "the 10 guy" I have to use my real name now but I'm still "Mr Ten" please cheer and clap and count to ten with me as we shake the very foundation of counting to 10 to its very core


incels seething

10 months