"Men" dont want to have sex with THAT?!

"Men" dont want to have sex with THAT?!

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rocky dennis

I respect Andrade too much but the moment he's out the picture I'd be all up in that

Ay Díos mio

Have any of you ever actually had sex?

Turn her over and fuck her from behind

Acquire standards. I don't want to be ashamed of myself when I wake up.

>rhea ripley does so much deca and tren that her piss turns the frogs straight
>somehow charles looks more like a tranny than her with none of the physique
Fucking hell Ric, David Flair looks like a bitch and your daughter looks like a butch.

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Que le paso a su cara?

have you seen her ass?

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I only fuck bitches hot enough that if I accidentally got them pregnant I wouldn’t care bc my kids will come out good looking and not ugly

Huh? What you mean?

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>Turn her over

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Straight men don't. I like my women short and petite like the goddess Bliss

>Turn her over and fuck her from behind

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based bro tier user respecting his fellow man

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How big is it's cock?

>Having respect for some dude you never know.
Jesus, the autism of E drones.

She looks like Carmella's mom

Shes probably crazy in bed

there's an unspoken code that real men observe. you don't fuck around in another man's business. beggin ya, junior.

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Bros before hoes? Yeah dude, I'm sure Andrade is anons bro lmaoo

Sit the fuck down, incel

I'm married ya nigger. Go use your trendy words somewhere else you brainless E drones simp.

All dudes are automatically bros until proven otherwise retard

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Fuck she looks good here

Fuck this bitch looks like she could start at Linebacker for the Cleveland Browns.

She literally doesnt even look like the same person she was a year ago. She looks like Miley Cyrus' mom lol

I appreciate the subtle irony of leading with an accusation of autism then embodying it so perfectly

Seriously what has done to her face? Botox?

it would be hotter if she where born male

Why would Vince let her go on TV looking like this?

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You literally just proved his point, you fucking moron.

Ding-dong diddly

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That thing is hideous. Even Nyla Rose looks better

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Sex jusr for the sake of having sex is just rape.

>Turn her over and fuck her from behind

absolutely disgusting

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kys incel

Sexier than Charles

Carmellas mom looks like that?