Smoking hot

>Smoking hot
>Dumped by Finn
>Dumped by Dream
>Desperate and single
For what purpose?

Attached: cathy-kelley.jpg (1200x675, 70K)

Maybe she has a shitty personality

Probably this.

Don't make me say it

Yeah, she kinda looks annoying. I can tell because I'm annoying and the only friend I've ever had were out of pity.

She's either a bitch or devoid of any personality. Any smart man will pump and dump that after a while and find someone more interesting.

I would assume this mixed with a lot of drinking. I can kind of tolerate one or the other, but both at the same gets untenable.

But Finn and dream are both raging homosexuals. Maybe she's not a good beard

You can only cum inside a girl so much until her awful personality starts to get to you


Coalburning insane jewess about to hit the wall.
Only desperate virgins would wife and knock her up like you, making more subhumans.

>Dumped by Dream
That was a work anyway. Dream is shoot gay.

>Smoking hot
She's slightly above average

Go open up one of those shitty WWE Now videos she hosts. Don't watch it. Let it play, but switch tabs back to here. Listen.

Maybe they found out she has a penis

I aggree. I could get way hotter women than that ugly bitch.

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God I want to cum inside her so badly

If I saw her walking down the street I'd have to glance at her a couple times, she's fucking hot dude.

Friendly reminder that only batshit crazy bitches have to announce that they're single.

but fin left her because she didn't have one

they're fags so she probably is secret lesbian and its just an act, that or she can;t have kids and dream and balor want to continue their family legacy

triple parentheses

Women have 0 fucking worth in 2019. Best part is they caused it and have to pretend they wanted this.

hey bud
want to join my stable?
namechads like us...
together we could rule this board
what do you say?

>smoking hot

I’ll do it for him. Have sex

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She's probably either clingy or high maintenance.

She was pushing for commitment from guys who are way hotter than her.

its your boy the rational stoner

once you smash on a hot chick for a bit you can get annoyed with her real quick

this skinny jew kathy is no different

her penis wasn't big enough

soulless eyes

because irl you want a "stable" partner

Attached: stable.png (1446x812, 1.81M)

Did she actually date a nigger, or is it a meme based on studio photos taken together and cucks being obsessed with BM/WF in general?

Alright here's some deep knowledge.

Its her knees.

Have you ever looked at them. A chick with wack looking knees is inclined for all kinds of health problems down the road. Our cave man psychology knows this. And her, the knees tell the story. Not wife or mother material.