It happening

hype thread for the happenings happening over tomorrow and the next day

31rd = nice radio @ around 10am CDT
Abril 1nd = the best day opf the year [s4s] birthday

whate are your hopes, dreams, poopie color + weight, and expectations for the next coupla days???

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dubs check!
I hope i will be sober again when the le Raidoman airs the newe Show!!! I'm Hyyyyped!!!

Attached: BAN RETURNS.gif (1000x1000, 771K)

I'll check out the radio. Thanks, I would have missed this if you didn't post.

Attached: (9).jpg (244x331, 80K)

Attached: suffra2.gif (1000x1000, 41K)

Attached: rabbithole.gif (413x260, 1.22M)

dubs and good fortune for everyone!

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: 1542098770078.gif (500x500, 807K)

congration!!! ill c u there myt friend
epic im exicte

Attached: 1450806783061.jpg (225x225, 16K)

Attached: top_rude.png (737x665, 344K)

all BAN needs is a fren I LOVE YOU THE BAN!!!!!!

Attached: image_part_006.jpg (1667x1666, 260K)

lole... hehe
I have no idea what to expect! I WILL be there though, guaranteed!

Attached: very_bury_pretty.png (650x605, 227K)

thnk 4 being my're fren THE LE JEWWY!!! LOLE!!!

Attached: turtlel dance.gif (262x323, 1.34M)

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Attached: libebil.jpg (1043x1684, 427K)

generally you can expect the sounds of poopie + audio and video issues hahahshahhahaah

Attached: dede.png (666x666, 948K)

nice dubs ilu
tell me about this beary

who do it name be

still I will check it out! xD

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Attached: ebilibe.jpg (1043x1684, 333K)

I can't wait to experience the April japes and then I'm gonna kms myself when it's over.

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THank you Falettinme Kill Mice Elf Agin

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Attached: spikeman suicide.png (1000x1000, 142K)

who are you quoting?

Attached: 1517946861632.png (634x738, 197K)

cool bat do you wanty to play based ball?

Attached: 1517947179856.png (542x944, 256K)

Attached: BASED BALL as suggested by jewwy.gif (634x738, 1.89M)

ni gir

Attached: BASED BALL as suggested by jewwy 2.gif (634x738, 1.05M)

Attached: niceBat.png (751x479, 419K)

Attached: burydedmall.jpg (640x360, 86K)

Attached: squish.gif (1000x1000, 167K)

nice dubs!
nice gifs i look @ them then lole

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Attached: euhh4c3.png (1036x776, 1.02M)

cool hat

Attached: wewomgnicegril.png (700x420, 516K)

nice try

Attached: 1542934261942.jpg (474x474, 45K)

Attached: ebil_nice_tank.gif (756x630, 1.76M)

bury thank to make nice tank shine

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: 1542942913886.png (400x394, 19K)

Attached: 235640.png (681x360, 261K)

getting ready

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: syringe.gif (512x288, 656K)

Attached: gatogordodiablobar.png (1464x661, 768K)

Attached: nowisebilkillintime.gif (394x463, 19K)

b nicve

Attached: gato gordo beary nice.gif (384x401, 27K)

Attached: it beat.png (470x492, 118K)

Attached: nice-gr.png (681x489, 482K)

Attached: bashop.png (1000x1000, 958K)

get niced on

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Attached: Slickly_McGee.jpg (250x182, 4K)

Attached: bashop while livstrm.png (1000x1000, 1.12M)

honestly? FUCK white people

Attached: tumble.png (736x627, 76K)


it were a prank

Attached: bashop while livstrm with newspaper.png (1130x1895, 1.82M)

"this is not a fugging prank" is the first thing that pranksters say when they are doin a prank :)

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Attached: ycb.gif (1920x1742, 487K)

she protecctt

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Attached: just a dream.png (662x601, 226K)

fight my milker

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Attached: punish nice perspective reality.gif (1512x1338, 398K)

it's over ebil!

Attached: police raid.gif (1512x1338, 438K)

i like this storyline

Attached: confirmed picture of Jewwy.jpg (749x650, 53K)

me on the right

Attached: dnb.png (888x888, 443K)

ill b dere

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第17話「ひみつ基地を守れ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 186K)

Attached: dfo.png (1000x1000, 55K)

oh god oh fuck oh no

its -5 hours difference in western eu but thats also fine bcs i will have time to listen to all of the s4s albume including my submission before school
but i will have to wake up early idk if i will make it if i do i will be watching it around 5-6am in my local time that is utc+2 so thats pretty early!
lole i cant wait either
and it will be happy 1 april lole cant wait for all of the funny jokes
and to anwser your questions
hopes - hoping that it will be cool and good for me, my family, my friends and all of you fine folks on [s4s]
dreams - dont really have much of them rn but i think i would dream of being better at makeing music and talking to ppl especially females
poopie color - healthy brown
weigth 78kg that is 172lbs
expectations - happy times, finishing my silly doge shitpost and starting working on another funny project

Attached: received_2376523882666754.gif (369x385, 40K)

there i posted unfinished version of the picture lole!

Attached: received_822075178170461.gif (369x385, 40K)

i like ur posts

qt cat

pretty and dubs
and also i decided i qill try to get 666 *ebin* trips

Attached: qt.png (262x192, 3K)

eh one off :(
nice trips!

Attached: yukari.gif (800x786, 844K)

slow board

this art is amazing!

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y so rude

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Attached: niceDay.jpg (640x426, 321K)

Attached: smol h8.jpg (1000x1000, 255K)

nice dubsnice dubsnice dubs

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do it give change

Attached: nicemonye $111.png (1111x444, 218K)

rare dubs!

Attached: silluysteltsle.jpg (287x389, 63K)

Meds PEDs?

Attached: nice circle.jpg (1000x1000, 483K)

Attached: yosho.png (271x274, 15K)

cursed image

nice posts

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why are there no pictures of bury nice doing the thingking pose?

Attached: thinking.png (212x238, 5K)

why are there no pictures of yosho doing the thingking pose?

Attached: thinking madotsuki.png (300x310, 5K)