Redemption arc starting today
Redemption arc starting today
shut the fuck up
cake 4 you fren
shut the fuck up
fuck off retard
you are so cringy
end your life
jealous ((people))
Aryan Hebi rides high
boo! go back to
some goofy bdorp bullshit
yikes and bluepilled
same IP
cope more
yea lol cause I'm actually that pathetic to defend myself online.
I don't mind getting bullied.
Keep them coming.
forgot to clover fug
so insecure that he has to pretend to be someone else who's defending him
just jump off a bridge bro lol
more more more more more
oof and rudepilled
Your fortune: Outlook good
and then he deletes his post out of shame
you are fucking pathetic arulson lmaooooo
Hebi is cool.
I wonder which one of these posters is the seething cts
>IP count still doesn't increment
you can't make this shit up lmao
>24 posts
>7 IPs
who are you quoting?
you're mom
must be rlly upset
xD i just got rexkt
you should off yourself like your mentally ill boyfriend tsxd
I miss you
I want to add a disclaimer that this post was NOT made by me.
When I said I don't want to talk to arulson again I meant it be that as an anonymous poster or otherwise.
I don't want anything more to do with him so please stop trying to make him think I am talking to him.
Like I give a shit lol
Like anyone gives a shit
Everyone gives a shit
I shit on you
what did I do to you?
Who're you?
No, who are you?
Who is SHE?
If I don't know who're you, I obviously can't answer what you did to me lole
I posted "I miss Arulson"
give the boy a chance
Then I already talked to you before.
You did nothing, lole.
Just shitposting in a shit thread.
don't believe his lies
he shouldn't believe my lies to be tbh
Posting as anonymous feels weird
I'm a namefig actually
put your name back on
me too
imagine buying a pass just to impersonate someone else
It's funnier this way
Woah le mentally lel surprise (or maybe more lie??)