my allergy going crazy todaye and i can't stop sneezing pls help
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
my allergy going crazy todaye and i can't stop sneezing pls help
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
allergy meds??
i'm sneezing right now atm as we speak and i can't stop. i don't have any meds either.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
dubs! wooh! hab u ttried watchign doremi?
get wlel soon
is it actually good? what is it about this show that makes you people act so weird around here?
its just 2-4 spergs spamming it i wouldnt worry
"Consider apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is purported to boost the immune system, help break up mucus, and support lymphatic drainage. Experts recommend mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day to relieve allergy symptoms"
Something I found.
Search "Natural Allergy Remedies".
loratadine helps with allergies. not breathing helps too
I think you need to watch more doremi :^)
no but u hab tto watch id anway bcuz dis is da doremi board
I was sceptical first, but now I start watching. Thanks fren. I'll make some screenshots and post them later.
dats da spirits! rember tto act RLY RLY annoyign when u post da screenshotts tto!
idk how i feel about you Catfish, you tend to come off as quite the bitter person for appearently no reason sometimes. i've talked to you a while back and you were nice, but oh well
i'm not kidding or anything, but i don't have apple cider vinegar here, we had it up until last month i think so yeah. tbh i don't think i have anything that might help me so sorry to bother you and everyone in this tread
are you trying to kill me?
Your fortune: Average Luck
if u think im bitter cuz i dont accept retards then yes im very bitter
You are fine friend, no bother really, and if in the future you get some it may help.
I would then recommend a hot shower while drinking water. I *think that may help flush out the derbies in your sinuses.
I hope that helps you...
i expected you'd say as much. how's the weather down in chile?
think i'll try that, fren. i don't have hot water right now but the sun's heating up the water tank above my house so the water tends to come out a little warm, so i think it'll work out.
You seem to hate yourself and end up forming scapegoats and excuses so you don't have to face yourself.
Even your name alludes to your own poor self esteem.
Acting this way is going to end up making you more miserable long term while making this place worse short term. No point in it.
Whew. Hope that works then. Good Luck to you sweet user, really, hope that helps.
you only have social contact over the computer so yeah im goingh to listen to u lol
triangles is creepy but to be fair he has read books from 100 years past
wear a gas mask
this. although i wouldn't say he's creepy, but just a little too friendly in his interactions. always overly supportive and kind. at least that's just how i see it, so i understand why people would think he's creepy. still, some of the best interactions i've had were with him, amongts other namefigs of course. i guess that says something about me aswell.
it sure does
So you would rather I put on an act than be myself? Treat everyone badly or refuse to help others, ignoring them?
Wow... Says a lot about you, and the others then. I honestly think much less of you now, but I am not going to change just to fit in. How weak would i be if I let something so petty as what others think change my thoughts and actions.
It's funny because they complimented you yet you're getting defensive
suck my dick Magick. i don't have any of that.
that's not what i said at all. behave however you want. i'm not the type of person who wants people to change like that anyways. i said that i understand why people think you're creepy, but i don't think you are tbh. you're barking at the wrong tree for no reason. you're fun to talk to. let us meet on esfores once again.
triangles severe social retardation prevents him from coming off as truly nice and friendly no matter how hard he tries, such is the fate of many a failed niceposter.
dude not everyone is your enemy
I like how he lashes out at people should they ruin his delusion kek
You are telling others off in the same post you are once again agreeing with my obsessive stalkers. Yeah, yeah... you're someone I want to talk to.
You realize this kind of behavior is no way to make friends, right? Did you pay no attention in your social skills classes?
go to sleef fren
Btw no one is stalking you you absolute fuckwit. You just post all the fucking time to the point where you're impossible to ignore.
I have over 50 discord friends who want my nudes LoLe..
how bige ???
stalkers? come on man. do you seriously not understand? i'm being honest here. i don't think you're creepy. i mean, even if you are, i don't mind it. that's not such a big deal for me. i'm going to be nice now. i think you're a kindhearted guy and i think you mean well, you have ways of going about being nice to other people that some simply find it creepy it. that's not me tho, so relax. i don't people mean you any harm either, you don't need to get so defensive and you clearly are.
on another note, i'll still keep talking either way. you don't know who i am. once again, let us meet on esfores once more, fren. buh-bye.
metric system is the best
nigger big n thick
someone expalin the LoLe meme to me pls
you wouldn't get it.. LoLe
They follow me to just about every thread, what would you call that...
>you don't know who i am. once again, let us meet on esfores once more, fren. buh-bye.
so kind
I would rather you didn't. If you really are nice/kind then do me a favor by leaving me be from this point forth. I would genuinely appreciate that.
it's funny to see triangles lash out at anyone who doesn't immediately suck his dick even when they're trying to be nice to him. get your head outta your ass kid
i seriously tried. god damn it lole. like i said, i'll still talk to you and reply to your threads, and you'll reply to mind, all while never knowing who i am, and i'll still be just as nice to you as i've been in all our interactions so far. have a nice day, triangles. i'll see you around soon.
Lole me and catfish were just saying we could smell the pollen
>Deflects criticism, self-righteous, kinda bitchy
>Deflects criticism, self-righteous, also kinda bitchy
Catfish told me he secretly has a thing for triangles
imagine trying to be nice on the most mentally ill website
You need zertec my friend, helps me with my allergies
when and where?
screenshot or gtfo
it's only true I have a thing for fags
I ship it ovo
imagening right nowe
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
lole! that's funny. i just started sneezing after i saw your reply so thank you btw
so it's a "different sides of the same coin" typa deal?
catfish hates himself and triangles is vain and image obsessed
so maybe
this thread doesn't look like its about allergies
Or at least a union of two categories
I don't hate myself at all
to be honest I think I'm the shit
let's get back to the topic then.
do you guys have any allergies? if so, how do you guys deal with it?
i'd say one is the other's evil side. make of that what you will.
I understand what you mean.
Different people
Different perspectives
dubs where u eyes at, teresa may
unchecked doubles on page 7!
Your fortune: Outlook good