Be me

>be me
>middle school
>at friends house
>i start to poop and shit and cum all over the house
>friend has nintendo 64 with donkey kong
> i start making pancakes

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who r u quoting begus it's nod me

Attached: gua.jpg (679x779, 54K)

thats a wierd mogey

this 7575 a FAKE

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post mugey

le moog

Attached: 1553824394294.jpg (700x700, 82K)

thad nod moog or me!

Attached: weewlad.jpg (788x682, 36K)

i have run exhaustive comparison programs to evaluate the muginess of this mugay as an input vector 2 a 10000-mugay (NON BIASED!!) image trained neural network and the results show similarities but its NOT mugay so DIE
sample mugay attached

Attached: mugi.jpg (1700x2217, 385K)

the day after i watched K-ON i immediately jacked off to mugi's butthole

moog delivered!!

Attached: hoii.gif (500x267, 498K)


day after isnt very immediate u gotta do it on the spot

crusty socks and door locks

lewd es rewd

Attached: Oo.jpg (248x394, 11K)

but i had a friend over...



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lewd posders are REWD POSDERS

Attached: ig.gif (640x360, 221K)

Xtended bathroom break bring ur socks n door locks

the thought hadn't crossed my mind at the time

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Attached: download (6).png (1920x1080, 399K)