I'm depressed

i'm depressed

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But you got trips! What's wrong?


Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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it will pass

I am depressed too

it happens from time to time

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not feeling good today either, but just ignore it and move on

go do something worthy of your time instead of sulking

I spend most of my free time laying in bed and lack the energy/interest to maintain a single friendship, but I still crave human interaction so I post on [s4s].

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confronting the reality of your depression is the first step to recovery many people do not get that far so you are already doing well

are you me? it's a rhetorical question heh. but seriously this is like me.

I can relate to this. So I feel like I should tell you something. Once I was just like you, then I had to work. When that happened it took some getting used to. Like for example I had to get used to getting out of bed. Once I got used to that the rest was nothing like laying in bed. But there is something you can't find while laying in bed. That something I think is fun. Every now and then it can be fun to get out of bed and I think life is about those fun moments.

Arai-san is very cute!!

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the same picture as in waxeye throwaways soundcloud profile picture lole is that you?
nice trips

I've been depressed for so long I forgot what feeling depressed feels like

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eat banana it has serotonin in it

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obvs u gonna say banan
eat burger

le Mouse Showere

but without bread and processed mead so salad

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Arent we all

Your fortune: Average Luck

unchecked doubles on page 10!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck